What did ya learn this past season


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
Well since I am unable to make it out for the last day tomorrow.

I thought I would ask this question.

I learned a heck of alot about deer behavior and movement according to the time of year. If I hunt them at one spot in early season ,I have to be able to know where they will be after the rut. I learned that in the woods estimating yardage is a lot more difficult than it seems. I also learned that if I had a tree climber I would definately be a deer slayer extraordinaire.
I learned most of the things this past season by dumb blunders on my part. But that is the way you learn.

But the most important thing I learned that the joy of being with your child when they take their first deer is awesome. I felt like I was walking on air the rest of the day.

If you are going to change to a radically different hunting weapon, get familiar with the weapon at all realistic ranges! I went blackpowder hunting for the first time this year, and sighted in at 100 yards. I knew "theoretically" that it should be good for elk out to 150 yards or beyond, but just wasn't comfortable enough at that range or a little beyond when I had the chance at a real bull - if I had practiced more with the new weapon, I would have bagged a 6x6 last November. Lack of confidence and practice at that distance made me pass up the shot. I've used regular rifles so much that I just "assumed" things would be the same.
I used my new 300 wsm this year, and I learned NOT to shoot deer @ 60 yards with it. I was using Winchester loaded Failsafe 180's and hit a rib. It created the most damage I've ever had. Good clean shot, went straight down, but man did I have to do some cutting.
Wife shot a deer with the same rifle @ 200 yards, clean neck shot, straight threw with an 1-1/2" exit. That's the way to do it, let them get a little further out.
We're very impressed with the round and pretty happy with the A-bolt. Since I got it I've heard some bad, but I'll just take extra good care of it and clean deep.
I didn't get my 375 H&H sighted in in time for season otherwise I'd have used it...I wonder what It'll do? Some say they don't damage as much because the bullet is moving slow...?
Well this is for elk and not deer, but I did learn that when elk hunting in Jackson, one must keep their head down after the shot!!!
I learned that I need a new spot for deer season this coming year.Had thearea basically to ourselves for 10 years and this year every one was in there.
I also learned that I can take a 300 yard shot and drop the deer.
When in doubt, buy an elk tag. With only two days to hunt deer, I decided not to buy a bull tag since I had cow tags for a late season. First day out, 5x5 bull laying in his bed at 40 yards, watching me. Oh well.

I learned that it's good fun to hunt with others and see them shoot all the deer; even better when one of them is a father-son pair. I learned that there seem to be a lot of turkeys and squirrels around during deer season. I learned that there is a distinct difference between eyedrops for cataracts and those for eye infection. I learned that, despite my wife's admonitions, U of T fans aren't ALL bad. I learned that 45/70's lesson also applies to shorter distances like 10 FEET. I learned that a wimpy GMC on solid ground beats a Mighty Dodge in a ditch any day. I learned (again) that my still hunting skills still leave much to be desired. Finally, I learned the value of having a large Tennessean with a booming voice loudly declaring "I GUARANTEE there won't be a gratuity on that check!"
I learned as a flatlander and a lifelong whitetail chaser to never, never take on another solo elk hunt!! It's fun and cool thinking it would be nice to score, then you do!! Let the fun begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can gut 10 whitetails to one elk! And that was just the start of the fun!

I learned that one female squirrel in heat can attract about 40 determined males to your tree at once, and you will spend most of the day swattin at them horny little devils as they pass thru your stand and across your lap and shoulders.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-31-2003 11:35: Message edited by: Whiskers ]</font>
I learned that judging distance when bow hunting is key, it was just my first year bow hunting and if i would have paid more attention when jusging distance, i would have made a better shot on a beauty 8 point. Another mistake i made was not trusting my scent stopper, a doe was walking right in to me quartering to me and i made the mistake of shooting
But I did bag a nice 7 pointer so that made me quit thinking about the one that got away

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-31-2003 14:01: Message edited by: YoungRobinHood ]</font>
I learned to never give up. I alloted two days for deer hunting this year and failed to find a descent buck. Called in sick to hunt one more day. Fortuneatly, on my way back to camp at noon, I decided to walk over to a set of cliffs that were about 500 yards away just to see what might be there. Sure enough, 3 nice bucks were feeding 200 yards below me. I dropped the 5x5 but not on the first shot. Another thing I learned. I should have aimed lower on my first shot. At 200 yards I shot over him and I even had my cross hairs placed on the bottom of his body.

Another thing I learned last year that carried over to this year. When bow hunting elk, never set up behind a tree. Always in front. It bit me last year and bit my partner this year.

Hey Nut, you forgot you learned to cut up a deer in the bed of a truck.

And I learned all YANKEE'S ain't bad.
hey wiskers, i think we've been huntin' in the same tree!

also, helpin' a friend score his first whitetail is just as good as gettin' one for myself.

and your rifle must have a round in the chamber to function properly.
Wow there is so many good things to remember, I just don't know where to start!!!
I learned that there is a lot to learn, but the main thing, is to shoot straight at lots of distances with whatever you shoot, that's worth a lot. Kind of like CA hunter said up above.

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