What conservation groups do you belong to?

I joined most of them over the past year just to give support to them and see what projects showed up in their magazines and to learn more about them. I like RMEF, pheasants forever, backcountry hunters and anglers, TRCP, trout unlimited, Ducks unlimited, and NWTF. I will try to keep standard memberships with all of them. I would like to become a life member of RMEF and Pheasants forever.
It is amazing the corporate support that several of these organizations have.

I just looked at what a life membership to the BHA cost and it is $1,000, but if you join you get a "free" Kimber Micro carry .380 pistol valued at $650.

I'm assuming that BHA gets the full $1,000 and Kimber eats the cost of the pistol?
GOP? Isn't that the Guardians of Peace, the guys behind all those corporate hacks late last year? Or is it the Government of Pakistan? I bet the Pakistani gubmint is big into conservation. :D
Idaho Wild Sheep - Life Member
I need to add RMEF. I recently dropped SCI.
I think Backcountry Hunters & Anglers (BHA) is the real deal and just became a Life Member in the Fall. I love that they care about hunting and fishing and all the wild country out there. Plus they are the most hard core group and I'm a guy who likes the challenge and solitude of the backcountry so they get the bad ass vote from me.

I am also a Life Member of Trout Unlimited. They do great work on local waters.

I retain normal memberships for Wild Sheep Foundation, Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Society, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever but can't keep them all going all the time.

In the past I have had memberships with the Mule Deer Foundation and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation over the years but have disagreed with some of their decisions and inaction on important issues like public lands. RMEF has really come around in the last year or so and have redeemed themselves in my eyes so I plan to join them again for sure after they stepped up to vocally oppose the sale/transfer of pubic lands. They have also been great on the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
It is amazing the corporate support that several of these organizations have.

I just looked at what a life membership to the BHA cost and it is $1,000, but if you join you get a "free" Kimber Micro carry .380 pistol valued at $650.

I'm assuming that BHA gets the full $1,000 and Kimber eats the cost of the pistol?

No, most likely and what is typical practice is that Kimber buys ad space in Backcountry Journal and website etc and pays for the ads with product which then are turned in to cash via life-memberships and also increases the marketability to future advertisers due to the increased life-member numbers. As seen with the Kuiu/Eastmans lawsuit, subscriber numbers greatly influence ad space cost.
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BHA for two years and RMEF for fifteen years. Regular yearly membership. Both great organizations.
What Cons groups do you belong to

I would like to suggest Montana Sportsmen Alliance. We are active in Montana and have a Pac which allows us to be active politically. www.montanasportsmenalliance.com
We also have a facebook page. Membership is currently free...just sign up.
I urge you to support state and local orgs. as they deal with issues not big enough for National NGO's.

MSA, MWF, BHA, MBA, Conrad Sportsmen Alliance, PLWA, Ravalli Co. Wildlife Assn, Laurel Rod and Gun, Skyline Sportsmen, Mont. WSF (life)....

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