What are you guys paying for gas?

It's changing daily. As of yesterday 85octane was $5.09 diesel was $5.60.
Only the fools that have no sense are driving the big diesel guzzlers along with the big pickups driving around and going to recreate until it kills them.
$5.53 in Ninilchick AK. $5.89 at cheapo station Patterson CA.
If the clowns that are in "power" had to buy their own fuel for their government provided transportation I'll bet prices would drop drastically and quickly.
That is gouging. There was a guy in the news from Phoenix that had an independent convenience station that lowered 87 to $4.99. He was doing it for the community as long as he could afford to do it. He was also hoping to make it up a little selling snacks and stuff from the store.
Something for the old guys. Remember when gas went from below a dollar to above? The stations had pumps that only registered to .99.9 cents with the rolling number wheels. They were all scrambling to figure out how to register price over the dollar. The quick fix was to set pumps to only the pennies and just add a dollar to the visible price. It was outrageous when gas hit $1.01
Something for the old guys. Remember when gas went from below a dollar to above? The stations had pumps that only registered to .99.9 cents with the rolling number wheels. They were all scrambling to figure out how to register price over the dollar. The quick fix was to set pumps to only the pennies and just add a dollar to the visible price. It was outrageous when gas hit $1.01
Where I grew up in WA, the last time gas was below a dollar was time year I got my driver's license, 2003. I'll never forget that as I only had like a month of that bliss lol.

Now it's $4.60 here in East Tennessee.
I got my license in 1968. We would collect soda bottles for gas money in a pinch. I remember the gas wars in Castro Valley and seem to remember sub .20 cent prices at Simas Bros.
I got my license in 1968. We would collect soda bottles for gas money in a pinch. I remember the gas wars in Castro Valley and seem to remember sub .20 cent prices at Simas Bros.
A group of us 14 to 16 year old poors had a community 49 Plymouth of foggy provenance in the mid sixties. I recall using rubbing alcohol for brake fluid and barely scraping together enough coin for 2-3 gallons of fuel to cruise our dirt street neighborhood...rarely did we venture to asphalt. No one had a license & like most vehicles of that era, was a clutch column shift...had to push start.

I can still recall the moldy dusty smell of that glorious ride.
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Something for the old guys. Remember when gas went from below a dollar to above? The stations had pumps that only registered to .99.9 cents with the rolling number wheels. They were all scrambling to figure out how to register price over the dollar. The quick fix was to set pumps to only the pennies and just add a dollar to the visible price. It was outrageous when gas hit $1.01
I was in 6th grade the first time gas cracked $1. There was a lot of anguish and 'end of days' talk at the time. Before then, I remember walking to the gas station with a gallon milk jug and getting gas for my dirt bike for around .28 cents/gal.
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