PEAX Equipment

What are you guys paying for gas?

Yah here either that's what I dont understand. Who in the hell is paying that price. I'm thinking the interest rates have a lot to do with it? Roofer buddy of mine says the local supplier he goes through will not lock in any prices for more than 10 days as they expect prices to keep climbing.
The clients we build for don't have to worry about materials cost. I do wonder how some of the younger people building a first home are pulling it off. mtmuley
Yah here either that's what I dont understand. Who in the hell is paying that price. I'm thinking the interest rates have a lot to do with it? Roofer buddy of mine says the local supplier he goes through will not lock in any prices for more than 10 days as they expect prices to keep climbing.
Some friends of ours are building a house. He said the only reasons they are moving forward right now, given building material costs is because the low interest rates offset the difference.
WTS: five 2x4x3, two 2x6x4, three 2x6x2 and one triangular piece of plywood 2x3x5. Will throw in straightened used nails for local buyers.

Send me your best offer, no lower ballers, I know what I have...
I'll bid $15 on the two 2×6×4! (😀 trying to get a base together for a box blind! C'mon dude! Take pity on an old, fat cripple!)

BTW! I do have some reclaimed wood. Consider a trade?
As an aside!
My pop, born 1920, lived the "Great Depression".
He was NOT adverse to picking up loads of used lumber to clean, separate and stack.
By golly, ALL nails went into a retired "thunder mug".
When the lumber was stacked, then I sat down with a side bearing out of a rail car and a hammer and straightened and sorted nails!
No lie, G.I.!
A nail had to be in pretty rough shape to make the scrap bin.
Wasnt asking for a political thread, post your gas prices here. Politics somewhere else.
What do you think is causing these price increases?
It sure ain't lack of demand! 😉!

...and with Biden promising to do away with fossil fuels, we'll be just like the UK!
$10/liter. ....and that's a far cry from a gallon!

In 2012, I went to Kodiak, AK on a fishing trip. Because nothing reaches Kodiak island except by boat or plane, fuel was $8+/gal! ...and that was US dollars!
What do you think is causing these price increases?
It sure ain't lack of demand! 😉!

...and with Biden promising to do away with fossil fuels, we'll be just like the UK!
$10/liter. ....and that's a far cry from a gallon!

In 2012, I went to Kodiak, AK on a fishing trip. Because nothing reaches Kodiak island except by boat or plane, fuel was $8+/gal! ...and that was US dollars!
I never said I disagree, I'm not wanting this to turn into a shit throwing contest. So post your price of gas. I think it would be interesting for this thread to make it a while. Title doesn't read what us causing the price of gas to rise. Your more than welcome to start that thread if you'd like. I'd follow along on that one but it wouldn't make it more than a couple hours.
What do you think is causing these price increases?
Supply -> Demand

March 2020 Peak production
Late March - Covid travel ban
Demand - Crashed

April 2020 Saudi+ Russia, over produced to drive US shale operators out of business
Spot prices went negative, literally people had to pay to get rid of their oil

May - Dec 2020
Massive Bankruptcies
Rig count plummeted
Wall street pulled back capital
Drill schedules restructured

So production is low right now, doesn't matter who the President is there is going spike in Gas as things open up, well head to gas tank doesn't happen over night, there is a lag. Also see the articles @JLS, 2016-late 2019 the mindset was capital is cheap turn on as many wells as possible, take on massive debt and produce as much as possible. Due to 2020 there has (will see how long it persists) a paradigm shift on debt.

Keystone/ANWR/Federal permit deferral definitely will have effects down the road. ANWR wouldn't have produced a drop for 10 years, Keystone years, federal permits maybe, maybe there were some wells that just now would have been completed had Trump been elected, but maybe not. Likely the companies like EOG who are in the Powder or companies in NM on fed just changed their drill schedules and focused on private land. Likely not a huge difference.

Biden's presidency may cause WTI 2022-2024 to be higher than it would have under Trump, possibly higher gas price. But the price now, it's ridiculous to blame it on any President.

Flip side if the price of WTI is higher than companies will fair better.
Supply -> Demand

March 2020 Peak production
Late March - Covid travel ban
Demand - Crashed

April 2020 Saudi+ Russia, over produced to drive US shale operators out of business
Spot prices went negative, literally people had to pay to get rid of their oil

May - Dec 2020
Massive Bankruptcies
Rig count plummeted
Wall street pulled back capital
Drill schedules restructured

So production is low right now, doesn't matter who the President is there is going spike in Gas as things open up, well head to gas tank doesn't happen over night, there is a lag. Also see the articles @JLS, 2016-late 2019 the mindset was capital is cheap turn on as many wells as possible, take on massive debt and produce as much as possible. Due to 2020 there has (will see how long it persists) a paradigm shift on debt.

Keystone/ANWR/Federal permit deferral definitely will have effects down the road. ANWR wouldn't have produced a drop for 10 years, Keystone years, federal permits maybe, maybe there were some wells that just now would have been completed had Trump been elected, but maybe not. Likely the companies like EOG who are in the Powder or companies in NM on fed just changed their drill schedules and focused on private land. Likely not a huge difference.

Biden's presidency may cause WTI 2022-2024 to be higher than it would have under Trump, possibly higher gas price. But the price now, it's ridiculous to blame it on any President.

Flip side if the price of WTI is higher than companies will fair better.
What did you do today?

@wllm1313 : wrote an elaborate reply to a complicated economical situation.

Me: shoveled snow from the lawn onto my driveway so it would melt faster.

Some of you are definitely smarter than I am!
I'll have to ask my daughter. I haven't bought any gas since coming back from Montana on December 9th. I don't drive my rig when road salt is about. Most of the time during the winter I walk the dogs to the store for groceries and pull the stuff home with a sled. Or rather they pull it and I guide them. Or I can pool it with daughter when she needs to go shopping. Anyway, with the pandemic it's really not sensible to be driving anywhere anyway. It is surprising how fat my checking account gets when the Jimmy sleeps for three or four months.
Didn't take a crystal ball to predict fuel prices would jump once the vaccine was on its way and world economy started moving again. Oil producers are trying to recoup their losses. Understandable. So blame Biden for returning us to good times? :unsure:
Didn't take a crystal ball to predict fuel prices would jump once the vaccine was on its way and world economy started moving again. Oil producers are trying to recoup their losses. Understandable. So blame Biden for returning us to good times? :unsure:
1st off who's us?
2nd thanks for the politics
Ironic a guy posting about gas prices who isnt buying gas.🙄
I'm just here to see what stupid political sheet is being posted and keep up with crazy Canadian guy rhetoric.

FWIW, $2.58 yesterday in northern MT. I didn't sweat it as I allowed my pickup to idle for 4 hours last night as I charged batteries, edited a few pics and watched a couple movies on the prairie. ;)

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