Well-known member
I pulled this paragraph from another article. Estimates and wishful thinking is higher than the conservative estimates your company is using @wllm1313 . Could be a good bonus for you this year.All the economic sensitivities we been working on have been using $65/$75/$85 (low/middle/high)

"Ironically, with President Joe Biden calling out energy companies over prices at the pump, oil in a steady range of $95 to $100/barrel could benefit energy companies overall by limiting attempts to tax windfall profits while also limiting demand destruction. Indeed, a stable price in the low $100s is the best possible outcome for the US energy industry which has optimized tremendously in the past decade, pulling breakeven prices to the low $40s according to some estimates. In a Mar. 11 note, Bank of America reiterated its overweight on the sector, citing inflation-protected yield, near-record low valuations, improving profile with ESG investors and energy companies’ prioritization of capital discipline above production as reasons to stay long."