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What are you guys paying for gas?

$3.59 for regular
$4.06 for diesel in PA

Last summer I could fill up my truck for around $75. Cost my 115 the other day. BS
The United States has never been "energy independent." And Trump never put America first. ALl of those tarriffs and trade wars created a huge component of the supply chain issues, along with the rapid economic recovery once pandemic restrictions were lifted. ALl of us remember that it's been a few years since the price of lumber, steel, aluminum, etc has been what it used to be, right? Because I sure as heck do.

But if you want to parse this out, Trump's term saw more imports from other nations than Biden's first year in office.

Biden also has not shut everything down. There is a temporary pause in leasing and the restrictions on leasing within core sage grouse areas are back in play, after the previous administration illegally disregarded that. Furthermore, it's the demand for oil thatis increasing the price, not anything that the government is doing. In 2020, we saw historic lows because nobody was driving to work, etc. A pandemic has that effect on gasoline & Avgas consumption.

The price of crude determines what gets drilled and what doesn't. Cost of recovery is the biggest concern, but I'm willing to be corrected by @wllm1313 because he actually works in the industry & understands it far better than any of us. There are currently 36 million acres of public lands leased for oil & gas production. Those leases connote a right to drill. Those companies stack leases for a variety of reasons, chief among them is to attract investors.

OPEC is the largest producer of oil in the world, and they are holding back production to raise prices. Russia is a major producer as well, and what Biden did was waive sanctions against one company relative to a pipeline due to concerns that Germany, our ally, had due to the perceived harsh sanctions that were put in place. I don't agree with lifting sanctions on any Russian company, btw, so I'm not trying to make it look like 46 is some great President. He isn't. And I totally agree that politicians are sitting back and laughing at us. All of them. With a few exceptions on both sides.
I have to call BS on a lot of this, but you are very much entitled to your opinion. Fuel prices are also driven by futures. And when you shut down future supplies prices go up. Begging Arabs to pump more oil is awesome, cuz making the Arabs richer has done us so much good in the last 30 years right? Trumps Tariffs were intended to reverse what has taken place of where we are a consumer based economy and help us return back to more manufacturing of our own. I fully support it as the long term it is needed. Some people have no clue what for example what a country applies for a tariff on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. 100% in India, 60% Some Asian markets, and many other in the 20-30% range. It would blow your mind what some are putting on our US exports compared to the imports. But non the less, things need to change as Covid was a wake up call where we did not even have materials and machines to make masks, and many meds, and chemicals. We can't survive if we base our economy on what is bought from Walmart, Amazon, and all of what comes out of a shipping container. As far as gas prices go, I am a firm believer that many politicians do not want low gas prices, except for when an election is coming up. Why? It is going to be a lot harder to push people to electric vehicles if gas prices are low. No one can deny the push going on to shift to EV.
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And when you shut down future supplies prices go up.

Per the AP from July
"Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.

New Mexico and Wyoming had the largest number of approvals. Montana, Colorado and Utah had hundreds each."

About two weeks ago, another 80m acres in Gulf went out to bid. Just another example of politicians loving to talk about fixing problems (climate change in this case) but getting kicked in the teeth by reality.
As far as gas prices go, I am a firm believer that many politicians do not want low gas prices, except for when an election is coming up.
You won't be an "active" politician for long if you want higher gas prices...unless you can blame someone else and get people to buy it. People will believe anything these days so that maybe that is an option.
People believe a lot of what politicians say, and that is a damn shame. Politicians are clueless and pass bills without facts, or pass them to grease the palms for campaign donations. Politics should stay out of most of energy and "clean energy" as they lie their asses off. Ethanol is a prime example of the farce pushed onto consumers by politicians. Almost 3 decades later much of the USA is required to put that worthless crap in fuels, while our farmland is being raped and over worked to meet the corn production so the "little farmers" can make money..... Ethanol is a perfect example of bad politics pushing mandates that are reverse of what they claim to do. It didn't take a math wiz to figure out the benefit of a fuel that burns 10% cleaner but gets around the same % less fuel economy. Let's not even go into the cost of producing it because without it being subbed it still would not come close to being cheaper than pure gas. At least the fuel companies found a way to use the crap for one good reason, octane boost. I am not against EV (electric Vehicle) but we should let the real science push the IC engine out in replacement of EV. I do believe the EV is the future but not nearly as fast as politicians want it to come because there has to be gains in battery tech, recycling of batteries, and real clean energy to provide the charging. Plus is their really the resources out there to build that many batteries in a clean way? That is also a big question. I did load up on some copper and aluminum stock just because the the EV push. The amount of those metals that are going to be needed to build a power grid to handle the charging of EV is out of most peoples realm. Point in case, the H-D EV bike can pull up to 60AMPS of 220V during a charge. Think about that, what will the power grid need to do just to charge EV if 50% of all vehicles were EV?
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Regular unleaded is 3.25 and diesel is 3.67 in western Kansas.
I think I picked the wrong year to buy a boat. Lol this summer could be rough
$4.18 P, in a oil producing state.
There is no shortage for profits. There is no control on profits. The only inflation is profits.
There is no shortage on oil here.

You are the mark.
I was hired 37 years ago by an oil company to work in their refinery. One of the first things I told my wife, is we will not whine about the price of gasoline. So far it has held.

When I retired the stock price of the company was X. Nine years later the stock price is .87X. I own a lot of it. I won't whine about that either.

No one is stopping anyone from buying stock in oil companies and sharing in all of the profits.
I was hired 37 years ago by an oil company to work in their refinery. One of the first things I told my wife, is we will not whine about the price of gasoline. So far it has held.

When I retired the stock price of the company was X. Nine years later the stock price is .87X. I own a lot of it. I won't whine about that either.

No one is stopping anyone from buying stock in oil companies and sharing in all of the profits.
People complain about gas prices, but then while the car is filling up at the station they go inside and buy bottled water for more money by volume that gas. who's doing the gouging?
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