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What are you doing for New Years?

Super wild night here. Helped my kids build a blanket fort. Then I cooked dinner—fish tacos—while my wife and the kids played “Dragons.” Then the obligatory sparkler. Now we’re watching some movie about these critters that look like donuts. Party time!


Happy New Year everybody!
We usually watch Lonesome Dove and time it to end at midnight but we didn’t have it in us this year; I have to get up at 0400 for work and am already in bed.
Running the kubota back and forth..back and forth...up/down the driveway to move some snow before it turns to ice. Been snowing all day, which is nice. 6-8 inches of very wet snow. Was planning to do it tomorrow. Then #2 crotchfruit decides that tomorrow is a good day to look for elk. So, off we go at o dark thirty... Happy New Years folks!
Super wild night here. Helped my kids build a blanket fort. Then I cooked dinner—fish tacos—while my wife and the kids played “Dragons.” Then the obligatory sparkler. Now we’re watching some movie about these critters that look like donuts. Party time!

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Happy New Year everybody!
When my kids were little I had a small tent maybe 4ft by 4ft I would set up in the living room. Your blanket fort reminded me of that. We had great times in that. I would sleep in that with them obviously with my legs hanging out the door and uncomfortable as as hell but it it was fun.
Sweated all day at the ranch with the wife and kids; it’s the peak of our deer season but it was over 90 degrees today, even for down here that’s ridiculous. So we worked more than hunted. Grilled beef and chicken Fajitas for dinner with the fam and in-laws. 2022 is going to start out hot with a forecast high of 92 again tomorrow before a cold front blows through. I’ll put a brisket on the big pit before I head out hunting in the AM, then my brother is coming down tomorrow for a couple days of hunting with me.
Fell asleep to JP on the phonograph after the snow took out the inerweb & TB...I was watching "Don't Look Up"...made it to 8:30.

Got up to load the stove and oh hell,I pulled on some pacs & a coat & broomed off the dishes.
Rio stuck his head out the door, said fo and went back to the couch.
4-6 inches so far,very wet snow , Sierra snow.
Happy Merry!
Fell asleep to JP on the phonograph after the snow took out the inerweb & TB...I was watching "Don't Look Up"...made it to 8:30.

Got up to load the stove and oh hell,I pulled on some pacs & a coat & broomed off the dishes.
Rio stuck his head out the door, said fo and went back to the couch.
4-6 inches so far,very wet snow , Sierra snow.
Happy Merry!
After visiting with some family and having seconds on turkey dinner I came down to my place and had one whiskey was sitting in the recliner watching family guy and next thing I know it was 11:42 Got up turned off all the lights and went right back to sleep in my bed, I have no idea when I fell asleep originally , it 21* this morning happy new
Just broomed off the steps for a 3rd time. Gotta find the snow shovel,it's under a drift somewhere...lol
Over a foot so far now,still snowing. 24.
Should be -5 in the morning they say,without the windchill.
Just broomed off the steps for a 3rd time. Gotta find the snow shovel,it's under a drift somewhere...lol
Over a foot so far now,still snowing. 24.
Should be -5 in the morning they say,without the windchill.
Been snowing a couple of hours here so far. Got a layer of ice first, and maybe it will help things scoot along in the wind for a while. Ready to start plowing when it gets deep enough. Calling for 5-8 inches last I heard.