Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

What about premium bullets?


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2000
Mesa, AZ
Are they worth the extra price? Nosler partitions, Swift A frames, Trophy Bonded Bearclaw, H mantel, Barnes X.....any of them. Are they better than Hornady, or Winchester or Remington off the shelf, old fashion jacketed bullets if you are hunting elk,deer, or antelope? How about if you are hunting bear? You tell me. :cool:
The only one of the list mentioned that I've ever actually hunted is deer (but that is going to be changing soon). That being said, from my experince I'd be at a loss to know what the "Premium" bullets would do for me that the Ballistic tips, Gamekings, Hornady spire points, and Seirra pointed soft point bullets haven't already done. One shot, one kill, dropped on the spot on all those listed. Why empty your wallet to have a fancy name bullet and a blood trail to follow?
This (I hope) should be an interesting thread, as I am waaaaay curious about the input on elk and black bear on this thread. Good topic Danr!! ;)WD
Only shot one deer with a rifle and that was borrowed along with the ammunition so I don't know exactly what kind of bullet it was. I was shooting a Sears 30.06 with a 110gr. bullet. I think he said that it was all copper?? All I know is the deer was dead, but I was not impressed.

I have shot a few with slugs and I have only been able to recover the foster type slugs. THe premiums that I have shot(Remington CopperSolids) did an outstanding job. Have only been able to recover the 'wings'. I vote for copper bullets. Why buy a premium gun and shoot non-premium bullets?? Just my .01. Hopefully, I'll have more experiences hunting with rifles to be able to comment better in the future.
danr55 I think it would depend on the kind of hunting your doing as in distance and size/type of animal your hunting. here in Fl any Spire Point interlocked bullet is all that is need for any animal (deer/hog) considered big game.90% of the hunting is within 150 yards. Factory ammo is truly all that is needed and I am talking WinX Power points or Rem.core-loks(?). I load my own useing Hornady Spire Points and with a heavy 180-200gr Spire Point I wouldn't hesitate to use it on any other animal on the continent. maybe if your a shoulder braker shooter and need to shoot through bones at 300 yards then maybe a Nosler Partition is needed. Maybe the particular rifle your shooting likes the premium bullet better and if so shoot it.

My question is will a one of the premium bullets you listed expand or blow up at close ranges?
For deer sized game and smaller, I like Hornady Spire Points, and good old Remington Cor-Lokts. The Cor-Lokts are the most accurate bullet in a couple of my rifles, so that is why I use them. They work fine on deer and pronghorn.

For black bear, moose, and elk, I like Grand Slams or Partitions. Big animals sometimes need a lot of penetration, depending on the angle. Plus, I'm not real sure that a Cor-Lokt would would make it through a moose's shoulder joint if necessary.

If I were hunting grizzly, Trophy Bonded Bear Claws or Swift A-Frames would be the bullets of choice. What's $1-$2 per bullet when you're talking about a possibly once-in-a-lifetime trophy? Not to mention the fact that the beast may try to eat you before he becomes a trophy.
Well, so far we seem to have a couple of "I don't knows", a maybe, and a sometimes. You what, I think they are all right... I think there are times when any bullet will do and there are times when specialty bullets are called for. I certainly would not hunt buff with a spitzer bullet. Nor would I hunt Antelope with a solid. Picking the bullet right for your application is probably as important as picking the caliber of your firearm. Too much can be as bad as too little. Maybe not as dangerous, but still not necessary. :cool:
Danr, yep, premium bullets are all I shoot. The only bullets I use are Nosler Partitions or the old style nosler solid base bullets. I do shoot some sierras and speers for practice bullets but would never shoot them at big-game.

It is impossible to beat a nosler partition for overall performance on all big-game. They always perform the same, penetrate well, plus expand and create a proper wound channel, and also not ridiculous price wise.
Spending 99% of my time in the lower 48 hunting , I would have to say the only bullet needed would be the Noslers family line of bullets! As always , shot placement if first and foremost! 2nd is how the bullet reacts when hitting the game and spending all of its force in the target! If I was to go after dangerous game I would and may rethink my bullet choice! AH ha , but like it has been stated Noslers make the Partition line of bullets, So I still have to say, Buy Nosler! ;) Just my 2cents!
Mike Murphy
BuzzH - I sure did like those Nosler Solid Base bullets! In my old 300 Win Mag, they dropped big wild pigs like a lightning bolt. I never had one fail to penetrate and they were wonderfully accurate in my gun. I use Partitions or Grand Slams for elk, depending upon which one that particular gun likes best. For just about everything else, I use Corelokts, Hornady Interlocks or Speer Hot Cores, again depending upon what that gun prefers. They work just fine on deer, antelope and even pigs.
If YOU are spending money for that BIG hunt$$$$
I would dam WILL SHOOT TOP OF THE LIME BULLETS, hey, WHAT are we TALKING ABOUT, $10.00 FOR 100 0R $25.00 50. GET REAL, thank about your cost, if that little old " GROUND HOG " bullet fails!$$! SHOOT THE VERY BEST THAT YOU CAN GET HOLD OF, if it will work in your rifle!
Be safe, have fun!
I have not got the last order of Noslers!
I have been away, have I missed something?
Be safe, have fun!
P.S., Send me an Email at home address, Thanks
Nosler partitions for practice, partitions for deer, partitions for elk. 150gr in the 30.06 and 180's in the 300 win mag. I used to use balistic tips for deer, but now i say why bother? The real world balistic difference is nil, and I can use either gun for deer or elk and not change loads, same point of impact. Id rather use the 30.06 with 150 grain partitions then .338 with factory loads on elk.
JB, you are exactly right. I didn't want to sound like a bullet snob, but all I shoot when I hunt is Nosler bullets. I think they are more than worth it. the important part is matching the correct bullet to the task at hand.

I looked at the bullets that the boys in SA are making. They look OK, but I have to wonder about the concentricity. They appear to be turned and I havent' seen anything turned that is really concentric enough to shoot striaght, I don't think. I may order some just to try them out. they are a bit pricey though. :cool:
The super premium bullets are designed to hold together at impact velocities that my rifles can't achieve. So I don't use them. They are set up to achieve penetration, and that always comes at the expense of expansion. If only you knew which shot you'd be required to take, you'd know just which bullet to use. The Partition might just be the best compromise between the two. Think about the bullets made of one homogenous material. They were invented to hold together regardless of impact velocity. The partitions start failing at velocities in excess of 3100 fps. The good ol' Core Lokts might just have the broadest range of performance available. One thing I know, the simpler it is, the easier it is to make it accurate.
Depends on the rifle if I use premium bullets. In my 270 I use plain ole speer spitzers. I only use it on caribou and you dont need a top of the line bullet for those animals.
Now my 338 I only use 250gr X's. I will more than likely use this gun in bear country and I want a bullet that is gonna stick together and penetrate.
Right now I'm using 500gr speers in my Lott. In the next couple of weeks I'm gonna be getting some 400gr X's for the same reason as my 338.
My 45/70, I just shoot plain ole hard cast, nothing special.
The 30/30 I use 150gr X's FP. Since this round is kinda anemic, I want the best bullet I can find for it.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that it depends, on where and what your hunting.
lillbigun- I was wondering if you were using those bullets in a lever action or a bolt? I love to shoot my dad's 30/30 but would love to find a way to get it a little bit better. I will start reloading for it later this summer.
1 pointer, they are in a marlin lever gun. I was a little hesitant at first but they work smoothly.
On deer sized and below,I would say that you would be better off with a "non-premium". On bigger game,I'd opt for premium bullets.
I live close enough to the Speer factory that I buy Grand Slams by the handful,therefore can use what I'll be hunting with for practice.
On a few of my rifles,I use Nosler Partitions as they are more accurate in those rifles.
Dan, I use the 140 grain Barnes X in .308 dia. in 2 rifles for whitetails as they are the most accurate I have found in both rifles.

I also like Hornady in a general purpose bullet. And wouldn't hesitate to use then on whitetails.-----Chainsaw