Kenetrek Boots

What A Way,,,


New member
Apr 28, 2001
,,,,To start a holiday week-end :cool: Yesterday at work it looked like it was going to be an easy day...No work orders, the HVAC system was working just right hump then luch time came :eek:

One of our residents thought it was a bit cool in his clothes locker and one of the voices in his head talked him into making a little warming fire :MAD Evac. the ward,,infact the whole building, HVAC system shuts down, (like it should) (fire is contaned to just the locker, and some smoke damage to the room) I get a page at lunch (from the big boss) to meet the Fire Dept. and help with the smoke evac.( so much for that P B J sandwitch :BLEEP: )

Well I get there and this Lt. fireman wanted me to take his team to the 3rd floor( were the fire was) "Ok" I say .."Lets go" We get there and I open the door for them and they just stood there looking at me?? Then one of the firemen say's "After you" Now this ward if FULL of smoke, they have their air tanks and masks on and I don't have one..Being the smart State empoyee that I am,,I point this little fact out to them...The fireman just looked and said "Sure sucks to be you" :eek: in we go..

After everything gets under control, I start showing the rest of the maints. people were to setting up some fire fans to blow the smoke out the windows, and just do what needs to get done... When the Hospial COO (Chief Operating Officer,,the Number 2 man in charge of the hospial),Fire Marshal, Fire Inspector, and the head of the hosital Saftey dept. comes up and asks "Who's in charge up here??" everyone turns and points to ME :eek: ( Thanks alot you arse bites ) I give them the run down on what WE did and are doing..They seemed pleased(note to self: the brown stuff on nose IS smoke hump )

Well I didn't get home from work untill after 11:00 last night..( I usually get off at 5:15) Missed dinner, the ball game, and only had time for just 2 drinks..And ran into valuable Ceialis time hump ( thank goodness for 4 days off :D )

Thank the good lord that no one was hurt in all this hump Thanks to the quick actions from the ward staff, and the fire department..


Tony, you need the excitment... :D:D:D

I see even the fire men don't give you no respect... LMAO!!!! You must have a sign on your back... ;)
Hey Tony...

Sorry I had to cut our conversation off yesterday, one of the students I was working with was calling and a report had come in at the same time that needed urgent notice....

Nice talking with you and Lindsey...

Russ.. :)
Tony, my July 1 started with a bang too. As most of you know I drive a bus for the State of New Jersey, in Atlantic City. We have our own police force known as the Transit Police, they have State Police powers. In Atlantic City they hide in the bus station. Half way thru the first run, puts me directly in front of the AC bus station. As passengers are boarding, I heard this lady yell "driver, driver!" I looked in the interior review mirror real quick and saw a middle age guy brandishing a cane in a threating manner over this woman, and cursing her, calling her a black bitch, an a son of a bitch, he was white. Good move, since most of the passengers are BLACK. I yelled at him and he charged the front of the bus, holding the cane over his head. I pushed the emergency panic button, which is supposed to alert our control center, and the Tranist Police that a driver is in need of immediate police attention. I told him to lower the cane, which he did, I told him to exit the bus, which brought the cane back up, an another punch to the panic button. I demanded again that he lower the cane, which he did. A woman behind him said something, and he brought the cane up again towards her. I yelled again, and punched the panic button again. Remember the cops are less than 50 ft away, and I am parked in front of the big glass doors of the bus station. I am waiting for help, or for him to strike me or someone else, so I can throw him thru the windshield. This started at 318, when I first punched the button. About 324 a woman told him she would give him a dollar to go away, he snatched the buck and exited the bus. At 325, here come two Transit Cops, walking nonchalantly, as if nothing is going on. I explained what he looked like that he walked past them going into the bus station, and expressed my displeasure at the response time. Which didn effect them abit. As I started to pull out at 327 a Transit Police cruiser pulls infront of me blocking my path, two different Transit cops get out carrying coffee cups, and want to know what the problem is. I was so pissed by now, I told them, and informed them that all in all I punched the emergency button 5 times, and finally called on my cell phone. Before I get a lackadaisycal response. I am still mad about this. If I would have touched this maniac before he struck someone, I would have been charged with assault. He walks away scott free. To make matters worse, an hour later, this maniac is standing at a bus stop looking for a ride. I guess you know, he didn get on the bus. Was there a full moon on Friday?
Not a problem Russ...Always nice to talk with you hump

Wiskers I know just what you mean...The firemen had a hard time openning up the window in the room to help get the smoke out, so I called my big boss to get the ok to break it out if need be..She gives me the ok...I talk to the campus cops to go to the front of the building and make sure the area is clear if we have to break the window..This clown asks me what is the best way to get there?? :eek: Yep the state hires some real winners :cool: As it turns out they got the window open without breaking it...I wonder if that security guard is still standing out front :rolleyes: LOL :D I'll take bets that he is ROTFLMAO :D

Must've been a full moon, Whiskers...we even had excitement here in podunk! On the 1st two guys from Tennessee (no, not THOSE two guys from TN :p ) decided to rob a bank in Evansville, IN. They had obviously been watching movies because you could see the "leader" on the surveillance tape checking his stopwatch every so often, in between waves of his handgun. Unfortunately they missed the parts in the movies where the robbers enter the bank, because they passed a bank customer who was coming out as they were going in with their ski masks on--and let him go. :rolleyes: Needless to say, he immediately dropped a dime and got the ol' paddywagon rolling.

So, the would-be robbers got their load o' cash and took off in their...minivan. :rolleyes: Again, they had obviously been studying up, because they followed Evansville Bank Robbery Rule #1 and headed straight for Kentucky. Now, remember that the customer had called 911 when they entered the bank...well, the 911 dispatchers are also familiar with the Evansville Bank Robbery Rule Book, so as soon as they heard what was happening they immediately called their counterparts in Henderson, Kentucky (my town! Woo hoo! :D ) and told them to get ready.

So, the minivan proceeds across the bridge with a few Evansville/Indiana authorities behind...they picked up some KY DOT troopers at the border...and when they crossed the bridge they met the gang from Henderson.

The Henderson authorities have much experience in stopping Evansville bank robbers (they nabbed a pair just a couple of months ago in a similar situation), so they knew what to do. The Chief of Police himself got in front of the minivan with his cruiser and tried to slow them down, receiving a bullet in the rear window for his troubles. :eek: That set the tone for what was left of the chase.

The chase proceeded down Highway 41 toward downtown (our local towercams followed it the whole way :cool: ). About a mile or so past the bridge is a cloverleaf, and the robbers took an exit...where they ran into the Great White Wall. Roadblock-a-palooza! Again, our cameras caught the action...we had one on either side of the road.

The criminals locked up brakes and stopped without hitting anyone, then the cops all piled in around them. Evansville police cars, Evansville police motorcylces, Henderson police cars, Henderson County sheriff cars, DOT...needless to say, they had 'em surrounded! Since the robbers had fired their guns during the pursuit, the cops ALL had their weapons trained on the suspects...handguns, shotguns, AR15's. Then they all just stopped and waited to see what the robbers would do next.

They didn't have to wait long...shortly after the cops deployed their weapons, two shots rang out from the minivan. Both the robbers committed suicide.

So ended the most exciting thing to happen here in the backwater in quite some time. For a short while the local police got to feel just like them big city fellers! ;)
Cool ending, maybe more robber will start doing the same so we can clean out the Gene Pool.

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