I missed the quarterly BLM Colorado SW Resource Advisory Council meeting earlier this month because of the RMBS banquet. I wish I could have made it, because they discussed an amazing land acquisition that looks to be moving forward, made possible by a willing seller and LWCF funds. The Conservation Fund anticipates purchasing Escalante Ranch - which is comprised of over 4,000 deeded acres of inholdings within the Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area - later in 2024, and selling the ranch to the BLM in 2025. This acquisition will open access to much of lower Escalante Creek and significant portions of the Gunnison River within the NCA. It's not uncommon to see herds of 20+ desert bighorn sheep grazing in Escalante Ranch's irrigated pastures along the creek and river.
Here's a link to the slide show that was presented at the meeting.
Here's a link to the maps.
Here's a link to the slide show that was presented at the meeting.
Here's a link to the maps.
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