West Virginia 2017


Dec 11, 2000
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A view from my perch
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Clean pass through
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As he lay
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Not much ground shrinkage
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Cleaned up
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Chillin with the beans
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The reward!
Thanks Guys, a quick backstory, a good friend of mine moved back to his childhood home in Wheeling, WV from his house we can be in Ohio in 10 minutes and western PA in about 20 minutes, this offers us a tri-state opportunity. The quality of deer hunting is certain parts of the state have rebounded dramatically other no so much, the old timers say they never saw deer like that years ago in this area. less pressure? better management? I had every intention of hunting in Ohio like last year but some mid-summer scouting trips quickly changed my plans.

This is the deer we saw this summer and knew there were 2 others that we got glimpses of the were as big or bigger. I had an encounter with this buck 2 days before I shot the other one, he just wouldn't give me a clean shot.
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In 6 days of hunting I passed 32 deer (couldn't shoot does), the evening before I killed my buck, I saw 15 total deer 8 of them were bucks! this was the peak of the rut Nov.9th!
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Nice work! I passed through WV years ago on my way to Ohio to pick up a friend then on to Kentucky for a whitetail hunt. I remember thinking how beautiful WV was as I went through and wondered why I didn't just hunt there (Kentucky didn't work out well for me). Your post has rekindled that question in my head.

I am curious...was your hunt on public or private land? I know WV has some public land available, so I wasn't sure if you'd found this beauty out there or if you'd found him on private somewhere.

Awesome buck and the reward made my stomach rumble, hard to beat a good red and a beautiful slab of steak. Those potatoes look ridiculously good as well.
Caribou Gear

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