Went scouting this weekend.......

Mountain Boomer

New member
Dec 10, 2000
I drove up to my in-laws Friday evening and spent the night there. I got up about daylight Satuday mourning and met a buddy to head out scouting. We drove to the first place we were going and got out and started hikeing. The first mudhole we came to had a big o'l bear track in it..
OK not a monster, but it was a bear track. I would guess the track to be 4" across the pad on the front foot. We hiked for around an hour in the area finding quiet a bit of bear sign. We loaded back up and drove to another spot about thirty minutes away and found a track in mudhole right beside the road. This was a smaller track than the first one. We hiked into a bluffy area nearby that has a spring coming out at the bottom and sure enough he was useing the spring for water. By the time we made it back to the truck it was around 10:00 o'clock. We then drove to a big canyon where we saw a big bear last fall and started driving old logging roads. After about 20 minutes we located a track in a mud hole beside the road. It was another small track about 3" in width. We knew there was a spring and a creek close buy so we hiked into it. When we got to the spring we found a nice set of tracks in it. They were a little bigger than the first track we found. I'm betting it is the same bear we saw last fall. I would guess him to be pushing 300 lbs. if it is. By the time we got out of there it was noon so we sat down and ate dinner. To end the day we went to another canyon that had a pond in the head of it and started hikeing. The pond didn't have any tracks in it but we found alot of older bear sign. All in all we found 4 different sets of bear tracks Saturday.
Sunday was not as productive as we went to a new area that we didn't know. Found lots of old sign once again. Did manage to find a creek w/ some water but, no tracks.

We are going to place baits close to all four sets of tracks next weekend and hope something starts abusing them...
I figure I walked close to 10 miles and logged 150+ on my truck. All in 93+ degree weather....:D Can you say miserable...
I hear you on it being to hot out,but at least you saw some tracks .Thats Cool I sure hope you get one to come into your bait.
BOOMER, Keep us posted man !!!!!!! TAke a pic of your BArrle location set up too if ya get a chance... I'd like to see it !!!!
Hey Moosie, we placed 6 baits out last Saturday and Sunday. I couldn't resist going and checking a couple Monday. 1 of them had already been hit. We ended up trying the plastic barrels. If they get tore up we have some metal ones ready to go. I will take some pictures this weekend and try to get them posted next week. I hope all 6 baits get hit.
DID you say PLASTIC is Legal..... HEre they ARE NOT !!!!! So make sure you're ok there BUD !!!!!!!!!!!

Glad to see ya still gung ho !!!!!! I'm fired up for ya !!!!!!!!!!
Moosie, I am real "GUNG HO" but if baiting bears was a job I beleave I would quite....:D Dang hard work! I only put out that much effort for two things... Hunting and Sex!!:D Plastic barrels are legal here. There is not any real guide lines that we have to follow. The only thing it suggest is not to use old restuarant grease, but it isn't illeagal. Until it is illeagal I will poor it on the baits. Here is a cut and past from the G&F website:

Baiting: Bait, foodstuffs or the use of any kind of lure to attract bears
is not allowed except on private lands in Zones 1 and 2 from September 1 until November 30 and in Zones 5 and 5A from November 1 until December 16. Baiting on private lands can only occur 30 days prior to the beginning of the bear hunting season through the last day of the season.

Zone Quotas: 200 bears may be taken in Zone 1 by any method
150 bears may be taken in Zone 2 by any method
30 bears may be taken in Zone 5 during modern gun season only.
20 bears may be taken in Zone 5A during modern gun season only.

Bear hunters are required to call a toll-free number each evening to inquire whether the quota has been reached. This number will be posted here when it is available.
In Zones 5 and 5A, hunters call 1-800-482-9262 to check a bear.
Thats all it says. No real guide lines...
Hey Mountain Boomer, next time you go out to check the bait, take your camera. I'd like to see those pics of the bait area and tracks. Good Luck!
