
George P

New member
Jan 11, 2001
rochester N.H. usa
Miller27 and I headed out this morning with 5 dogs.That is the most I have ever taken at once.Had my red dog Whiskey,3 dogs I bought from Idaho this spring and the one from washington state. Rigged for about an hour and not a peep. Decided to try a blueberry field.On the way there the box blew up.They all struck from inside the box as I hadnt put anything on top yet. I let Whitey,new one from Idaho down first.She is supposed to be an excellent cold nosed strike dog. I knew the track wasnt red hot as the dogs quieted down some when I stopped. Whitey went flying up the road 20 yds,ran into the woods with her head up,went 50 yds and opened up. I turned in 2 more and they went out trailing good.I said the heck with it and turned in the other 2.I normally dont like to turn them all out like that,just in case LOL, but these dogs have never struck any off game yet so I took a chance that they were as straight as I was told they were.
Miller and I drove up the road a mile or so and they were jumped. Drove up a little further and all the dogs crossed in a real tight pack. They were really puttin it to him.They went out of hearing in a couple minutes so we deciided to drive around to see if we could hear them from another mountain.It took us about an hour to drive over and come back to where we last heard them. I drove up an old logging road and got out to listen and they were treed.They werent hammerin real hard though and seeing as this was the first time I had ever ran 3 of these dogs I wasnt sure what was up.I looked up on the side of the mountain where they were barking and there was one big bull pine tree there.It had a big black spot in it !!!Miller and I walked the long(LOL) 150 yds to the tree and there was the bear and the dogs,all 5 of them.One 3 yr old,Magic,was about 15 feet up the tree going nuts treeing.I praised them up and we tied them back. I think they had been there for an hour or so because they were beat.This was the first run of the year for 4 of them.We waited for the bear to come out to rerun him but he would have no part of it.We drove the truck up to within 50 yds of the tree to a landing.Loaded all the dogs,sat on the tailgate and had a soda and he still wouldnt come out.We said goodbye and drove off.
I was really impressed with a couple of those new dogs.I have driven them alot of miles without a peep and now i know why,they hadnt smelled any bears !!!! One walker that had just turned 2 didnt tree much at all but he was right there.I think a couple where he can see them or see one come out will help him alot.The 2 grade females did excellent.Whiskey,well shes Whiskey,hasnt missed a tree in 2 years now.The new dog Boone,who I still have on trial, sounded like he led the race but I didnt se him at the tree when we first got there.I first saw him as we were tieing dogs back.He may have been there and I missed him though.When i brought him to the tree with a leash on he treed wicked hard.The bear was way up where you could barely see him from the base of the tree.I will know about him in the next couple weeks i am sure.
The guy i got these dogs from In Idaho sure wasnt bullsh***** me about them.They are broke bear dogs.
That Miller is sure a game magnet.Killed a coyote every time he went last winter and this is the first time he has ever been with bear dogs and we tree one!!! Congratulations on your first bear tree Chris !!!!! That will probably be the easiest hike you will ever have !!!!
George,its stories like this I been waitin all winter to hear.Sounds like ya got some dog power to me.Would love to have been there,instead I was abed recoverin from workin nites.LOL Lookin forward to a chance to go with ya.Keep those stories comin.Gotta go get some breakfast.LOL
Way to go George!!! I've been waiting all year to hear stories like this again. You really got my blood boiling now. Sounds like you did alright on the dogs.
You reckon you could loan me Miller this fall?????:D
Boomer, Have rifle--will travel. :D :D lol

George, I got the pictures back this afternoon from the 1 hour photo booth. A couple of them came out OK. If you've got a scanner we can show a few. That was sure a nice bear. He looked freekin' huge to me! His head was the size of a bushel basket. The dogs got the job done in short order--all of them making it to the tree on the first run of the year really says something about the dogs. The more they run, the tighter they'll get. The bear are in trouble this year!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 18 July 2001 16:30: Message edited by: Miller27 ]</font>
Good for you George :D :D
Its starting to sound like Bear season on here.Sounds like you made a good deal with them hounds from Idaho. Or Wiskey just luged them there LOL.You probly won't need her anymore so just send her and Miller up for the season ,and I will retire her for you. :D :D
George that dog from wasington Mite set back where he can see the bear.You said he was way up.I had one that would be back 30yds some times looking at the bear.If the bear would move he got right on the wood and gave him hell.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 19 July 2001 13:19: Message edited by: Tobey ]</font>
He may well have been Tobey.I was mostly concerened with Miller falling and getting hurt or something when we first got to the tree LOL.I didnt hear him any on the short walk to the tree though.Boy did we hear him running that bear. He has a beautiful loud booming voice and he seems like he really pushes hard.Only had him on 2 runs so far so we are still learning each other right now.I put a leash on him at the tree and tried to tie him back and then he really want ed the wood. I will post a pic of him treeing tonight if I can figure out how !!! Those little dogs from Idaho made me super happy.You can tell when dogs are rig dogs and not just dogs that strike from the rig.When whitey hit the ground it was on a dead run with her head up in the air.She knew right where she was going and opened as soon as she hit the track in the woods.Not a peep before she was on it !! I like that. It makes it easier to turn dogs in as opposed to a dog that is running around looking for the track barking his head off.
He may well have been Tobey.I was mostly concerened with Miller falling and getting hurt or something when we first got to the tree LOL.I didnt hear him any on the short walk to the tree though.Boy did we hear him running that bear. He has a beautiful loud booming voice and he seems like he really pushes hard.Only had him on 2 runs so far so we are still learning each other right now.I put a leash on him at the tree and tried to tie him back and then he really want ed the wood. I will post a pic of him treeing tonight if I can figure out how !!! Those little dogs from Idaho made me super happy.You can tell when dogs are rig dogs and not just dogs that strike from the rig.When whitey hit the ground it was on a dead run with her head up in the air.She knew right where she was going and opened as soon as she hit the track in the woods.Not a peep before she was on it !! I like that. It makes it easier to turn dogs in as opposed to a dog that is running around looking for the track barking his head off.
Sounds like your off to a good start, salmon berrys are starting to ripen here, we got a bad frost early in the yr and alot of are wild apple trees are bare, so finding them in there usual spots this fall gonna be a little different,but with the lack of that food source they will be forced to travel more. Couple more weeks and we shut down for the month of august then start up with fall kill sept.1
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