Well this sucks

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
GRMR Oil & Gas and its contractors managed to tick off landowners and hunters alike with its massive 136.5 square-mile Savery 3D oil and gas seismic project in the Battle Mountain area near Baggs this fall, turning what was supposed to be — for many — a once-in-a-lifetime, and probably expensive, outdoor hunting experience into something that more resembled a war zone of helicopter and ground activity.

“You know, just to my business, I figure I lost ($64,000) down the drain. I’m not going to get those guys to come back,” Dave Allen, owner of Peak View Outfitters, told WyoFile. “These guys, right now, they’re still tormenting them (wildlife). They’re still pushing them elk back in the forest. If we get 2-foot of snow, they’re dead. … They’ve tormented them, ran fat off them, ran meat off them. It’s terrible.”

- See more at: http://wyofile.com/dustin/energy-co...hunters-battle-mountain/#sthash.a0QxisDN.dpuf
I was elk hunting south of Slater Colorado in October and couldn't figure out what the deal was with the helicopters on the Wyoming side of the border. Atleast now I know what was going on. Even on the Colorado side they became annoying after the first day
There are multiple “no surface occupancy” timing restrictions that apply to various lands — for big game winter ranges, for sage grouse breeding, and for raptor nesting season, among others. Novotny explained that when you place all of these different timing restrictions on the calendar, the only time of year left with no wildlife no-surface-occupancy restrictions for the entire 136.5 square mile project area is August 16 through November 14. - See more at: http://wyofile.com/dustin/energy-co...attle-mountain/#sthash.a0QxisDN.TejKOqsn.dpuf

This is the problem. Solutions? You can't expect the energy company to mobilize the seismic crew several times a year and complete the project a patch at a time when there are no NSO restrictions.
I am curious as to what T/L goes to August 15? Probably some damn raptor.:D

I also thought an NSO and timing stips were entirely different terms? Novotny was a biologist in MT before moving south. Bios can't be trusted.:D
After moving away from CO I went back for elk season one year only to find Schlumberger seismic sensing trucks sitting just South of California Park up above Hayden and heard the occasional charge go off. Needless to say my elk trip was a complete bust, so I can sympathize with them. Next to that and the Basque sheep herders wagons and ranchers driving cattle off the National Forest during hunting season I pretty much gave up on ever going back.
After moving away from CO I went back for elk season one year only to find Schlumberger seismic sensing trucks sitting just South of California Park up above Hayden and heard the occasional charge go off. Needless to say my elk trip was a complete bust, so I can sympathize with them. Next to that and the Basque sheep herders wagons and ranchers driving cattle off the National Forest during hunting season I pretty much gave up on ever going back.

That area has taken a steep decline in the last 3-5 years IMO, unless you're chasing grouse.
I am curious as to what T/L goes to August 15? Probably some damn raptor.:D

I also thought an NSO and timing stips were entirely different terms? Novotny was a biologist in MT before moving south. Bios can't be trusted.:D

I'm sure it's raptors, and you can't trust me either (T/L!).
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