
Well, it's not good. Not religious but prayers are welcomed.

Dave I feel for you and your family from the bottom of my heart. I wish you all the strength in the world as you go through this. Please know that you have a large contingent of Hunt Talk folks here who only wish the best for you.

I just realized I probably have a closer relationship with folks in this group from a "daily communication" standpoint than I do with my own siblings...Don't underestimate the number of folks who are pulling for you that you have never met.
Dave I feel for you and your family from the bottom of my heart. I wish you all the strength in the world as you go through this. Please know that you have a large contingent of Hunt Talk folks here who only wish the best for you.

I just realized I probably have a closer relationship with folks in this group from a "daily communication" standpoint than I do with my own siblings...Don't underestimate the number of folks who are pulling for you that you have never met.
Boy you nailed that one. Sitting having my coffee and scratching the dog is my morning ritual. Check to see how everything is doing, make a few stupid comments and sympathize with some scowl at others. I feel like I know you guys , although we'll probably never meet.
Hang tough Dave. Know that if there was anything anyone here could do to help, it would be done in a heartbeat.
Little bit better news today. They were planning on surgery tomorrow to remove the intubation tube from her throat and install a trach tube into her neck directly. They shut down the ventilator for an hour to test her breathing on her own. Did very well! Doctors will reassess the situation tomorrow and decide if the surgery is still needed or not.

Thanks again for all of the messages and thoughts.
Well that was a bust. Got there and she was still in the waiting line. Time marched on. More waiting. Got told they were waiting on personnel because 3 folks had called in with Covid. Finally came in to clean her up and start the prep work. Then more waiting. I was exhausted and hungry and it was 6PM already. I live an hour from the hospital. 4AM wake up for work. Gal came in at 6:20 and said it was put off until tomorrow. Didn't know what time. Ugh... Wife was about as pissed off as I was. She wanted that tube out of her mouth. So I headed for home and picked beans, worked on the kennel AC, moved a couple vehicles around and about keeled over from the heat. Last I heard it was 99, felt like 113 when I left work. Not that much better now. Grabbing a quick bite and heading for the shower so I can do it all over again tomorrow. At least I got the engine out of the D10 today. Start prepping the new one tomorrow. Time killer!
Nope. Quite the goat rope yesterday. Took half a day off from work and just SAT there waiting. Again. Well past the time I normally would have gotten there after work I went out and started raising hell. 3 days of waiting was totally unacceptable. Kept my voice down, but they knew I was pissed. Hmm... About 45 minutes later they said she was going into surgery in 30 minutes! Damned if they didn't keep their word. All is good on the surgery end and she should feel a lot better having the tube out of her mouth. I hung around until she kind of had her head straight and went home. Gas, drive-thru burger dinner and got home 9:15 just to say hi to the kid, get cleaned up and hit the sack to get up at 4 and start all over again.
Nope. Quite the goat rope yesterday. Took half a day off from work and just SAT there waiting. Again. Well past the time I normally would have gotten there after work I went out and started raising hell. 3 days of waiting was totally unacceptable. Kept my voice down, but they knew I was pissed. Hmm... About 45 minutes later they said she was going into surgery in 30 minutes! Damned if they didn't keep their word. All is good on the surgery end and she should feel a lot better having the tube out of her mouth. I hung around until she kind of had her head straight and went home. Gas, drive-thru burger dinner and got home 9:15 just to say hi to the kid, get cleaned up and hit the sack to get up at 4 and start all over again.
Dave, you’re tough as shit.
Sending positive vibes.
Hopefully this rain cools things off a bit today.
Stay strong!
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Guess it's been a while. Oops. Trach surgery went well and she was glad to get the air tube out of her mouth. Still fighting her oxygen levels and they put a chest tube in her right lung to drain it. That seems to be doing good, the "supplied" oxygen is now turned down to 40%. She also is using a whiteboard and marker to write with. Dexterity with that improved with use and is pretty good. Main downside is a sore on her ass they can't get a handle on. Have to keep repositioning her because of it, and that is painful with all of the tubes and wires.

I have her paperwork for SS disability to fill out. Holy crap, there is a lot! Not sure I can do a lot of it not knowing about work history and such. Maybe I'll just put "you have her SS number, look it up yourself"!

State police sent a notice they were revoking her FOID card and it has to be turned in ASAP with some paper about weapon disposition. Fine, I'll take time out of my schedule to run over there and do that WITHOUT her signing anything. Legally, it was my pistol and nothing should need to be done. The cops still have it anyway.

Time to get my chores done here before going to see her this afternoon. Our oldest daughter, who pretty much disowned her own mother several years ago, asked me yesterday if it would be OK for her to go with me for a visit. Damn. That might be a tear bringer. It's a start, anyway.

Thanks, folks! HT is like an extended family to me and I appreciate the support.
Wow - I am so sorry to hear about your trials. You are doing great under such pressure and juggling so many balls while still working and maintaining some sanity. My prayers are with you, man.
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