PEAX Equipment

Well, it's not good. Not religious but prayers are welcomed.

Just got home a little while ago and sat with my daughter for a talk. Thank you everyone for the thoughts, comments and messages. It would take too long to like every reply so I'll just hit you all right now. I had a talk with one of the neurosurgeon guys before I went home and pretty much confirmed that she is paralyzed and not going to come out of it. At least her upper body is working, so she can wheel around in a chair when the time comes. Now I'm trying to figure out how to get things changed around here to accommodate that. Ramp, bathroom, handicap vehicle. How can I even continue working? God only knows if my insurance will cover the chopper flight. Kid and I both said that our lives are changed forever now.

Thanks again to everyone who have posted, and to any that join in later as they see this. This forum is sort of my "happy place" and reading the different threads helps me try and keep my head straight! I'll add updates later as they develop.

Thank you!
So sorry Dave. That is just beyond heavy and awful. I hope you find a way to be kind to yourself and present and loving for the rest of your family through this awfulness. I’ll be thinking about you guys.
Very sorry to hear this. Wishing the best for your family. I hope you and your daughter are able to keep each others heads up during the challenges and changes ahead.
Illinois used to have some very good family services agencies, both government and NGO. Probably still do. It isn't a weakness to seek out some help, possibly even financial depending on your income. It wouldn't hurt to check.

Sending you and your family my sincere thoughts.
I can't pretend to know what your family has, is, and will continue to go through with this unfortunate occurrence, so will offer my best wishes and prayers for a workable outcome. Sorry Dave!
Loss of words Dave, keeping you in my thoughts. If there's something a guy in South Dakota can do to help, let me know.

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