Well, HAD a good tag...


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2021
Northern NM
Had a good ML tag, New Mexico 2B. Not stellar, but a good tag. First decent deer tag since we move here in 2015.

I shoulda never helped my friend move. Blown biceps tendon, none of the medical pros I have talked to have said it was anything but a bad idea to take my arm shooting.

Turning the tag in, will at least get my money back. But the dadgum hunt is more than worth the tag fee. But surgery will be about when the hunt would be.

Taking comfort in the fact that my wife is fully on board for two guided elk hunts next year, one for each of us. But 10 months of rehab is no joy. Going to try to make the rehab process include my whole bod, not just the right shoulder, will see how that works out. Starting to get my garage cleaned out all the way so I have all the room I need for my bowflex, bike trainer, etc to get used and not just for hanging clothes on them.

I will be hunting vicariously through all you folks this fall. Good luck to you all!


Best of luck and hopefully you will be rewarded with a even better tag next year.
No good deed goes unpunished. Sorry to hear about you missing out on the tag.
Dang, take a camera and say that’s the deer I would have shot.
Learn to shoot left handed? It isnt that hard as I have fooled around with it. You might not be shooting long distances, but 250 and in is plenty doable with a couple of months of practice. Plus, it would make a great story....."And I shot it left-handed!"
I hunted a control hunt course deer tag with a back needing surgery. Dumb idea on my part. I should have tried to turn in the tag. I really couldn’t walk. I told my sons I had one good stalk in me, let’s save it for a good buck. We saw bucks but never long enough to stalk.
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