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Well folks,its here...


Apr 16, 2001
openin day of bear over bait,and we're receivin all the rain we didnt get all summer.LOL LOL Go figure it!! Pourin as I type this.Prolly make em hungrier for the the feed barrel this evenin.I'm hopin anyway!! LOL
Thanks MB,prolly need a little luck.LOL Its gonna be ruff in a stand with a figgity 11 yr old.Caught him peakin in the lilac bush yesterday.lookin at a big **** pheasant he turned loose a few weeks ago.He had old daisy bb gun all leveled ready to take a poke.Whaddaya think he said,I said give him a break,sides you aint got a pheasant stamp,it aint pheasant season,and its sunday to boot.LOL LOL Guess its what ya get for piggybackin kids to coon trees,beaverponds checkin traps,loadin em in the canoe trappin and fishin before they was big enuff to talk.But I wouldnt have it any other way.
Well Boomer,I baited up this mornin round 9.Me and my 11 (just turned yesterday) boy went to a stand by an old rock wall with a overgrown orchard about 3 and the bait had been hit already.We sat in the crotch of an ol yellow birch with a platform treestand in it that wouldnt hold up a robins nest.LOL LOL Keeps the rain off tho when ya use it for overhead cover.Round 4:30 a yerling bear come in and stood on the wall and he put a 20 guage slug thru the shoulder.We had to follow it a ways as it was wounded bad and he had to shoot it again finally.He got to learn how tuff a bear is.It'll be a good eatin bear,dressed 110.The look in his eyes will never be forgotten by his old man.Yessuh,wouldnt trade today for a million bucks.Have a good evenin all.
way to go Maineiac !!! I bet he was some pupmed!! Probably cant wait to go to school now just to tell the kids.Wished you lived a little closer .I would love to run my dogs off your hot baits.Mine arent doing crap down here.How far are you from Sanford???
Not sure how far to Sanford George.I'm an hr north of Bangor tho_Only got one bait out here,but if you can make it up here,your welcome to use it anytime.Runnin short on bait but I'll keep baitin.I aint workin til fri nite at 6 George,call anytime .My # 207-746-9455.Love to get together and run some.Got a little shack here with a roof and the couch is always here.I've even got 2 empty dog houses too.LOL
Dang George,forgot to mention that I seen some crap with apples in it.Even tho I only got the 1 bait and dont think anyone else is baitin in town here,theres lots off old apple orchards here.Sure we could rig some.
Congrats Maineiac and Jr!!!!! I think I am excited as you are just reading the story. I hope my hunts go as well as yours did. Post some pictures. I would love to see the smile on your boys face. I'll bet he is grinning from ear to ear....:D

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