Welfare Ranchers Threaten Big Horn Sheep


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Yeppers.... It sure is important for the Welfare Ranchers to be able to turn their Range Maggots out on Forest Service land.... We probably have too many BigHorn Sheep anyway.... Can't have enough mutton on the table....

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Domestic sheep grazing proposed in Bridger-Teton
Associated Press

JACKSON – Bridger-Teton National Forest officials are proposing to open three areas in the Wyoming range to domestic sheep grazing.

According to a draft Environmental Impact Statement, forest officials want to expand domestic sheep grazing into areas closed to this use in the Jackson, Big Piney and Greys River ranger districts. It would also speed up ongoing revegetation and habitat rehabilitation work in the allotments, the document said.

But members of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition fear the proposal could threaten bighorn sheep herds in the Wyoming range if the animals co-mingle with domestic sheep.

“If the BTNF insists on allowing grazing allotments for domestic sheep in bighorn sheep range, then it’s inevitable the bighorn sheep will die out,” GYC Wyoming representative Lloyd Dorsey said.

Forest officials said although a preferred alternative has been identified, a final decision on which alternative to implement has not been made. The agency is accepting public comments on the DEIS through Dec. 8.

The preferred management action would expand what’s known as the Wyoming Range Allotment Complex and would allow domestic sheep grazing within the allotments.

The complex currently consists of the Corral Creek, Mule Creek, Grizzly Creek, Pickle Pass, Upper Grayback/Phosphate, North Horse and Prospect Peak domestic sheep allotments.

The majority of the complex, or about 65 percent, is located in Sublette County, with the remainder in Lincoln County. There is a total of about 67,500 acres within the project area.

The forest proposal provides for a rotational rest system, whereby each allotment will be rested from livestock grazing a minimum of two of every seven years.

The alternative calls for the construction of some new fences and the elimination of others to effectively incorporate some of the allotment boundary changes. It will also speed up revegetation and habitat rehabilitation work.

Dorsey noted that many wildlife professionals, wildlife researchers and veterinarians believe bighorn sheep and domestic sheep should not occupy the same range because of the potential adverse effects on bighorn sheep from diseases carried by domestic sheep.

Bighorn sheep are highly susceptible to some strains of Pasteruella carried by domestic sheep. Domestic sheep appear to be immune to strains carried by bighorn sheep.

“A heck of a lot of the Wyoming range and even the lower foothills, out into the butte, and onto the Bureau of Land Management lands and the mesa was historically bighorn sheep range ... and populations are down to about 1 percent of their historic numbers in the lower 48 now,” Dorsey said.

The draft EIS said the agency will use an adaptive management strategy to allow for flexibility during implementation to respond to changing conditions and unexpected results. It also calls for follow-up monitoring studies, including at least one long-term study, on each allotment, along with condition and trend data analysis.

Other alternatives outlined in the draft EIS include a no-action alternative, a no domestic sheep grazing alternative and an alternative that would provide for greater separation between domestic sheep grazing areas and the bighorn sheep core native head area boundary.

There's no doubt the domestic sheep will spread a disease to the bighorns that will decimate their population. Only welfare ranchers would come up with an idiotic plan like that!

What do you want to see in the National Forests, range maggots or bighorn sheep?
Where is FNAWS, the concerned hunters, etc. when they are needed?

Probably sitting around sipping whisky bragging about the biggest sheep killed in 50 years.


FNAWS is aware of revived effort to open up new domestic sheep allotments in the west by some politicians and has made it's position quite clear. Maybe if you became involved, and quit being a negative smart ass little prick, you'ld know what was going on and would be helping to work towards a solution.

Like I said before, get some help.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-31-2003 07:57: Message edited by: BHR ]</font>
Question for those who normally sit on the sideline of this type of issue. Do comments like this make it easier or harder for organizations such as FNAWS to gain support for their position?

"Yeppers.... It sure is important for the Welfare Ranchers to be able to turn their Range Maggots out on Forest Service land.... We probably have too many BigHorn Sheep anyway.... Can't have enough mutton on the table...."

"There's no doubt the domestic sheep will spread a disease to the bighorns that will decimate their population. Only welfare ranchers would come up with an idiotic plan like that!

What do you want to see in the National Forests, range maggots or bighorn sheep?"

"Where is FNAWS, the concerned hunters, etc. when they are needed?

Probably sitting around sipping whisky bragging about the biggest sheep killed in 50 years"

Some great quotes from the "3 Fools". You guy's are in a class all by yourselves. And you guy's say Rushbo is a big fat idiot. He actually seems intelligent, drugs and all, compared to the garbage you guy's put out. Why don't you guys spend half of the time you spend whinning and trash talking, on something productive, and you might actually wittness a positive change?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-31-2003 11:13: Message edited by: BHR ]</font>
I'm not a sheep hunter, yet, gotta get that moose first. But is domestic sheep a big reason for the declines of bighorns in the past......
BHR you talk more shit about the "3 fools" then they do about anyone, and i think you whine about as much too, But the thing tht gets me is, that you thikn Rush looks intelligent compared to these 3, how can you consider a hypocritical liar anything besides an idiot

As one of your three fools, I would question why you think anyone would look to FNAWS for leadership on this issue?

I have yet to see FNAWS come out with a statement trying to end Welfare Ranching. If I want to give a Dollar of support to keep Range Maggots out of the Forest, I will give it to Western Watersheds Project, where I know it will be used effectively.

And I don't mean to imply that Idaho FNAWS is not effective, as I believe they are very effective. (And the last time I said anything about Montana FNAWS, I was told I was wrong.... although I was right
Better yet gunner,

Why don't you give your dollar of support to the GYC. They would have a lot more voice then a silly little hunting organization.

Mini Moose,

I never said Rush was intelligent. I just said he was more intelligent then the 3 fools. They are the hypocrites. They use the same inflamitory crap that Rush uses to draw attention to their position, then run down Rush when he does it. At least Rush backs up his position. I think deep down they are jealous of old Rushbo.

Please cut and paste an example of my whinning. I'm interested in what you consider whinning.

BHR, "Please cut and paste an example of my whinning. I'm interested in what you consider whinning."

"They use the same inflamitory crap that Rush uses to draw attention to their position, then run down Rush when he does it."

BHR, Please cut and paste an example of my running down Rush. I'm interested in what you consider running down Rush. I can't remember making any derogatory comments about him.

Heres a quote from a recent topic in reguards to Rush. I bet if went back a couple years I could find a better one.

"People are a lot more forgiving about addictions to pain killers than other drugs. In Rush's case he was so vocal about being anti drug and so unforgiving about anything he could blame on the liberals it will be interesting to see how the public reacts to his addiction. We may see pictures of him in handcuffs soon."

Your comments were fair until you got to the last sentence.

At any rate I don't have time to argue trivial details with you. Let's just leave it at you don't like the man.

But you can't deny, you use the same kind of inflamitory crap that Rush uses (welfare rancher-enviromentalist whacko, range maggot-fill in the blank).


I guess by your urging me to send money to GYC, instead of FNAWS, it is an admission that FNAWS would not be effective stopping Welfare Ranchers and their Range Maggots.

Why would I just not support the most effective Environmental organization in the West, and give Jon Marvel the $$$$? I am really not looking for the 2nd place organization.

And you said <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I never said Rush was intelligent. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just a few posts after you said: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> And you guy's say Rushbo is a big fat idiot. He actually seems intelligent, drugs and all.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Seems like you have to look up to whacked-out Drug Addicts.... Sure speaks highly of your level of comprehension and intelligence...
BHR, "Let's just leave it at you don't like the man." Wrong again!
I actually like to listen to him once in a while and I get some good laughs outta the guy. I think he's pretty funny sometimes!
I think anyone who gives him any credibility must have a screw loose, but that's another matter.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-01-2003 22:21: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> seems intelligent <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Not is intelligent.
Everbody has a spark of light now and then, even you come out of the darkness once and a while.
You add so much to these discussions....

Please remain quiet, until Paul is able to explain to us how FNAWS is fighting to keep Range Maggots out of our Public Lands.

You said:

"Please remain quiet, until Paul is able to explain to us how FNAWS is fighting to keep Range Maggots out of our Public Lands."

Call FNAWS up yourself and ask them. # is (307) 527-6261. Then call GYC and ask them how they are fighting to keep range maggots off public land, as well as other public land users such as hunters. Is your man Marvel a hunter?


Can't I just trust you to point me to the links on the FNAWS positions on Range Maggots and Welfare Ranching?
Or is it like other issues with you and FNAWS, where it is top secret, and better not discussed in a public forum??

And is Marvel a hunter? I don't know, and I am not even sure about you being a hunter, as you seem to be against anything that helps wildlife.

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