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Welfare ranchers kill migratory birds!

Ithaca, what make you think you know anything about me or my hunting abilities? If it's not hunting, I guarantee that I have forgot more about killing than you could ever comprehend or you will ever do yourself.
Troy, Go back and read your earlier posts and maybe you'll understand.
Ithaca, I am not directing the last comment towards anyone but you. By the way, it's not a brag, it's a slam. But you probably don't understand unless it is found in your tunnel vison propaganda rags.
The original post was about All of these dead bird`s, in water trough`s ! and you have to admit you [Ithaca] were wrong the post was phoney and week! but i won`t hold my breath waiting for you to admit it.
cj, You really can't make that decision without knowing the details of what was happening at Pleasantview. I believe the biologists had to prove their case. I did say that I haven't found drowned birds in troughs, but there's no doubt that they are responsible for altered habitat that is a danger to young birds. Anyone can see that around any trough.

You guys really oughta try to be more observant. Then you oughta decide who's side you're on, the welfare ranchers who are living off your tax dollars while they destroy your land, or wildlife.
Would you believe over 50 turkeys with one shot? Here the hapless gobblers are, being collected by an apparently ravenous pack of wild humans.



<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-26-2003 15:42: Message edited by: Colorado Oak ]</font>
And I thought Market Hunting was long gone, a faded memory on the Chesapeke. And now Oak shows us more wanton savagery as helpless turkeys are shot by people wearing Carhartts.

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