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WELCOME "summitx"


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
HEHE.. Just checked yer profile... LOOKS like another Montana "PORN LOOSER" ;)

Big how-dy from Your next-to state of Idaho !!!!!

Member Status: Junior Member
Member Number: 1139
Registered: 09-09-2002
Posts: 0
Location: Ass, Montana
Occupation: Computer Geek
Homepage: http://
Interests: Porn, snowmobiling, hunting, porn

NOW you just need to ask for permission to the Adult section ;) HEHE
Thanks for the welcome! A lot of good information here.

I was referred to Greenhorn's pictures by another forum ( and low-and-behold, I recognize his mug as friend of mine from here in Ass, MT! He looks alot better with the face paint than without it.

Looking forward to hanging out more -

BTW, What is porn?
WELL... Now that you've found the "BEST" site, Welcome aboard...... (BRING over the rest of your friends :D :D)

YAH... For some reason lot's of people recognize that ugly mug of Kurts.... Something about him shooting a dand big ASS bull every friggin year on opening day ;) HAHAH

Anyways, He's not all that hot in the sack though... Thats what his wife says.... BUT I'm not sure I believe her yet.

ALSO, I don't mean to calumniate you, but do you like sheep ? ;)
Summitx.. Itake it you're a SHowmobilin' FREAK ?!?!?! I used to own a 650 Polaris, Got rid of it after I got married.... :rolleyes:

GOt any pics of you skipping across a river, Or are ya a PUSS ?!?!? ;)
Yea, I went up and hiked around in the rain -It was a blast - Called in a bull just walking around and meeewing but got busted - Thought he was farther out so I kept moving toward him - He was like 50 feet away spotted me and bolted! Nothing bugling up there yet though. It'll probably be hot this weekend.

Have a good trip. Can't wait to see your new score -
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