Weird highway warning signs

Anyone will do in my town. But someone should have told me I was a candidate. Guess I'll need a Twitter account now.You the one.JPG
It's not that bad of a grouping if you break it out into the clear double taps. I give the shooter a B+. You don't see signs this well shot very much anymore.

Sad. We used to be a nation of riflemen. Now we're just popping off gangster style with no thought towards form or accuracy.
.....Ummmm....Shotguns I know an area where shotguns were used heavily to ward off attacks by packs of Rabid Road Signs at times they surrounded people. They used coordinated attack behavior, never more than four to a group at four way intersections...The scene was usually littered with spent shotgun shells, bud light beer caps, coors light beer caps or empty cans of keystone light....(it was in the 90's)
I wish I still had the pic but a few years ago the state hung new “now entering xxxx county” signs along the major highway in my county. Of course this takes 2 full pickup loads of state workers to accomplish. I got a pic from a buddy as they were hanging it. It said “now entering xxxx CONUTY”

4 guys hung it and it stayed for about 2 weeks before they figured it out.

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