
Weird highway warning signs

One of these is hanging on a side dirt road up north, I remember passing it as a kid during deer hunting drive-around every year. One of the guys in the truck would always say “hey, that sign isn’t very nice… they can’t help it.”

Teenage me thought it was hilarious every time. Adult me still does too I guess.B1D32BF9-1166-40DE-A4CC-7A7590576CFB.png
And the warthog zone signs. Kudu go over fences (ANY fences) and warthogs go under them. Those hogs sure enjoy feeding alongside the highways. South Africa has an interesting law re roadkills. The vehicle that clobbers the animal cannot salvage it. But the next vehicle along can help themselves legally. My PH tells me tag teams cruise the highways. First clunker runs down animals and the partner vehicle following behind picks them up. Then they divvy the take at home. Well, I guess it beats poachers setting snares. Hard to believe it really works. Most of the rural local folks with a vehicle I see don't drive fast enough to knock over a dung beetle. No kidding. I swear most don't even know there's more than first gear.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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