Weeping, Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2010
East Idaho
Now that both the house and senate have passed the budget bill with the Simpson-Tester Rider language included, and now we're just missing a signature from the President, I expect to see a lot of venom being spewed at my favorite tree hugging forum. Check out wolves.wordpress.com to see all the action. You may feel dumber for having spent time there, but I fully expect to see the fringe of the fringe to be howling with remorse on that site in the next few days.:hump:
They wanted to drink from the garden hose. We held their lips to the fire hose and opened it to full throttle.

Let them whine and belly ache. They need some good ol' country ass whoopin' every once in a while, and today they got a 55 gallon drum poured all over 'em.
My favorite crybaby site is howlingforjustice, its a riot

Holy smokes. I didn't think anybody could make the folks over at the Wildlife News look centrist/normal, but who ever runs that howling for justice site is so far beyond the fringe it's tough to believe.

I almost have to believe the whole thing is tongue-in-cheek because it's tough to believe any normal person could think that way. But then again who ever said that the militant environmental crowd was normal.
Holy smokes. I didn't think anybody could make the folks over at the Wildlife News look centrist/normal, but who ever runs that howling for justice site is so far beyond the fringe it's tough to believe.

I almost have to believe the whole thing is tongue-in-cheek because it's tough to believe any normal person could think that way. But then again who ever said that the militant environmental crowd was normal.

Copied and Pasted from a thread on AT

This is to funny. Anti's buying Idaho and Montana wolf tags to save wolves.

Apparently they are just now beginning to understand its a quota hunt they can buy all the tags they want and it still wont stop any wolves from getting taken out. Almost makes me want to learn web design so I can pretend to be a wolf lover and spread this rumor some more.

I left the link cold so as to not give them anymore web traffic than they need.

from; howling for justice. word press .com

"Buying Idaho and Montana wolf tags is not going to help wolves. Some people are under the impression that they can buy all the wolf tags and keep wolves from being hunted. This is not the case. Idaho and Montana are selling an unlimited number of tags. No matter how many tags a person buys there will be more to purchase. Therefore, if anyone is under the misguided assumption that all the Idaho and Montana wolf tags can be bought up, thereby saving Idaho and Montana wolves from being hunted, they are sadly misinformed. Please do not fall for this, it will not help Idaho or Montana wolves. All you would be doing is putting more money into the IDFG and Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks coffers."

"I know we are all feeling helpless and want to do whatever we can to help wolves but this will not work."

"For the wolves, For the wild ones,"

You Montana and Idaho guys should wait in the parking lot, wait for the Anti's to buy the tags and then roll them before they get in their Pris and grab some extra tags! Just sayin!
You Montana and Idaho guys should wait in the parking lot, wait for the Anti's to buy the tags and then roll them before they get in their Pris and grab some extra tags! Just sayin!


Who needs a tag to hunt wolves?

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