Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

weapons of mass destruction found

Well Buzz my friend this old bastard has given you the opportunity to find out. When and where?? Or are you all talk???
No Nemont I didn't miss Buzz's digs; frankly didn't think it was that funny or required any mental strain to compose. Little things please little minds I guess.

No Nemont I didn't miss Buzz's digs; frankly didn't think it was that funny or required any mental strain to compose. Little things please little minds I guess.
You have got to admit that it was funny.
OK, it was funny! If it had come from a careing, compassionate, courteous, well mannered, thoughtful, human it might have even been very funny! :rolleyes:

I'm not all talk, I just know when something isnt worth the minimal amount of effort it would require to prove a point. I wouldnt get any satisfaction out of proving whats intuitively obvious...an insecurity issue and a mid-life crisis.

Like Gunner said go buy a dog, a purple dinosaur, or a new sports car, that may help you with your problem(s).
Well Buzz thanks for the reply. Really touches my heart there showing all that concern for my welfare. In any case the offer will remain open so if you feel the need to evaluate your potential or test your metal just give me a jingle. With respect to the dog; I have ten at present. We foster them for new owners who are capable of sharing their bounty and love with them. Believe it or not there are many folk out there who are so self centered and detached from the intent of life that they simply treat their animals as if they had no value at all. No respect for life I guess. That is a trait I find much too often in folk who actually believe that they are better than everyone else due to station, the fortunes of wealth, or the mistaken belief that they are genetically, physically or mentally superior. It must be a terrible taxing burden being so superior to everyone. Thank God I'm not better than anyone; but, until convinced otherwise I'll continue to believe that I'm just as good as anyone in spite of being a fat, blind, old, out of shape bastard.
this is some funny shit!

there is a line forming to woop buzz's ass.....paws is about 6 or 7th in line, i believe he is right behind the greek.
Ithica, where the hell did that tangent come from? I've seen you go sideways on a few topics but never quite so far as this time.. Buzz is a big boy and does a fine job of sticking up for himself. Besides, I don't remember reading anywhere that being a good hunter or trapper or hiker or outdoorsman made you an authority on politics, foriegn relations or military tactics. He has an opinion and feels compelled to share it. Those of us who disagree with him and are right, feel compelled to point out the errors in his arguments.. It's called a spirited debate. Doesn't mean any of us are right or wrong, we just disagree.. So..

"...beat Buzz ..." Well Ithica I think you are in the right neighborhood! :D I am a tad confused however. You say Buzz has posted some "incredible" pictures over the years. Doesn't "incredible" mean "unbelievable"? Are you truly impressed by pictures that are unbelievable? Let's assume for the moment that Buzz is the greatest hunter in the world; your point would be...?? :D
Is that somabichin operation as expensive as the penis reduction Feclnogin?? :D
The forum is pretty busy for it not being a major hunting season. Lots of politics being discussed.

I think people deserve respect.

I think people act like hotshots sometimes and insult others as a distraction.

And, I think Bush should stay President for 4 more years!
paws, "You say Buzz has posted some "incredible" pictures over the years. Doesn't "incredible" mean "unbelievable"? Are you truly impressed by pictures that are unbelievable?"

Sorry, paws, go look the word up in a dictionary.

I was hoping somebody would take up the challenge, as I'm bored with this topic and would rather see some huntin' pictures. :D It's just turned into a bunch of insults. How'd weapons of mass destruction get into Sportsmen's Issues? :D I wanna get back to the fatassed ATV riders. :D
Paws said, "That is a trait I find much too often in folk who actually believe that they are better than everyone else due to station, the fortunes of wealth, or the mistaken belief that they are genetically, physically or mentally superior. It must be a terrible taxing burden being so superior to everyone."

Paws, I'd guess you'd know that better than anyone else. I mean with all the tough-guy talk, apparently you feel "physically superior" to people you dont know. Read any of your posts to recognize that you very, very obviously believe you're "mentally superior" (95% comprehension, 3000 words a minute reading), etc. etc.

Funny you bring up "fortunes of wealth"...you seem to be the only person I've ever seen on a public bulletin board display their "GS" rating to the world.

I do believe we have a winner for the "hypocrit of the year" contest...

Never blame on Hypocrisy that which can adequately be explained as Alzheimers....or extreme Insecurity....

I liked it when he called me a "succubus", but in his quest for using big words that he didn't know, he found one that he couldn't spell....
Paws, Keep lookin'.
in·cred·i·ble [ in kréddəb’l ]


1. beyond belief: impossible or very difficult to believe

2. more than thought possible: unexpectedly or astonishingly large or great ( informal )
There’s an incredible amount of food still left.

3. amazing: very surprising
It’s incredible how many people have turned up.

4. excellent: extraordinarily good, talented, or enjoyable ( informal )

Thanks Ithica! I didn't need to go beyond the first entry!!
They are usually arranged according to the most accepted or most recognized definitions! :D
"Paws, I'd guess you'd know that better than anyone else. I mean with all the tough-guy talk, apparently you feel "physically superior" to people you dont know. Read any of your posts to recognize that you very, very obviously believe you're "mentally superior" (95% comprehension, 3000 words a minute reading), etc. etc.

Funny you bring up "fortunes of wealth"...you seem to be the only person I've ever seen on a public bulletin board display their "GS" rating to the world."

No hypocracy here Buzz; Facts are facts. All these are just plain facts; except of course they are also truths. Physically superior to people I haven't met? No; just learned that getting an ass kicking doesn't hurt all that bad. My step dad (Steve Guyrko) taught me that. He was a prize fighter; also taught me how to box. Archie Moore kicked his butt; didn't bother him a bit. The only reason I offer it as an alternative is because physical confrontation is sometimes the only way to gain someone's attention, or encourage them to listen. Mentally superior? Some I suppose. My IQ is 134 which is just barely genius level. If that makes me mentally superior to some; so be it. I'm quite certain that there are just as many folk mentally superior to me. I know one fella, a mechanic, whose IQ is 140. If you are referring to my education; that is a different story. I doubt there are many who have as much as I have. Does that make me superior? I don't think so; just studious and tired. That's why I learned to speed read. Helps cover more territory more quickly. I don't know why you would be hung up on my GS rating. Don't be! Took a lot of hard work to achieve that and I probably should have stayed on staff and done more. Shoot I took in an intern to train as a temporary GS-09 who eventually made GS-14 and now owns his own Management Information Systems consulting firm. Now, having a small hand in his success; that's something I am proud of! :D

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