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We beat HSUS!!!!


Apr 16, 2001
The People of Maine defeated a ballot initiative to make it illegal to bear hunt over bait,hunt bears with hounds,and trap bears.


Rainin today...but it couldnt be more beautiful in my book!!!! HSUS....Take your sorry asses home an keep them there!!!
;) :D
Thats great news.
Keep up the fight those nut cases will try to sneak it in on you anyway they can.
I have to say it couldnt of been done without the outstandin support of lots of people an organizationsfrom all across the nation.

Thanks go to all.
That's a good thing to hear.
We all need to remember that all types of hunting is on the line and it could be our own next in line.
Lets hope all hunter's understand the need to stand together to stop these animal rights nut's.
We can't sit back and watch while they attack any form of legal hunting.
Sweet! We weren't so fortunate in Washington back in 96, they blew us out of the water, like 70% or so. NOw the DFW is allowing hunts with hounds to control bears and lions. F the effen voters!!
no more anti hunters

those anti hunters well never return. we sacred them aways and know they know better not to mess with bear hunters up her in northeren maine. hump