PEAX Equipment

Wax, spary or gel case lube for sizing

I’ve thought about picking up a cheap vibratory cleaner just to clean the lube off sized cases. Worth it?
Go to the nearest good will / donation store and buy a cheap pot and strainer. Put some dawn dish soap and water then boil them for a few min. Stir occasionally and all the lube will come off.

Rinse them in a strainer and put them in a cookie sheet. Put them in the oven for 5 min or so at 300.

If you use the tumbler the lube kills the media. By washing them your media last a long time.
I’ve thought about picking up a cheap vibratory cleaner just to clean the lube off sized cases. Worth it?
I do everything in batches and this works really well for me. I don’t have a setup where I want to deal with wet tumbling. Vibratory tumbler gets used with walnut to clean the brass, then swapped out with corncob and mineral spirits to tumble the lube off. It’s cleaned off in a half hour or so and it’s all part of my process so I’m not usually waiting on it, just working on the next batch usually while one batch tumbles clean.

The only issue I have with this is that sometimes you get media in the flash hole. I will set up a pin of some sort (usually the case length gauge from a Lee lock stud and cutter) in a vice, press, or a powder measure stand to pop the media out as I pull cases out of the media seperator. This is the step where I get the most hands on for each case and do a good visual inspection so I don’t mind the extra step of checking for media in the flash holes.

I like the Frankford Arsenal tumbler that comes with the media separator. I spent too many years being cheap without that separator shaking out a handful of brass at a time.
I use Hornady One Shot, stand up about 40 cases or so on a paper towel with about 1" spacing. Spray from each end at an angle from above about 6-8" away. That gets both sides and inside of the neck. Let it dry a few minutes, never had a stuck or dented case. Can either just wipe the cases down after or tumble. I use wax for case conversions.
I’ve thought about picking up a cheap vibratory cleaner just to clean the lube off sized cases. Worth it?


I use a pair of these.

and tumble in this, no additional chemicals necessary.
I use Dillon spray lube, but not sprayed.
I squirt a few drops on a Q Tip and wipe the inside and outside of the neck, and the body below the shoulder.
Wipe off with a paper towel.
Tumble with desert blend English walnut shells (made for lizards). Deprime and size with imperial, back in the tumbler with the lizard litter and a cap full of Nufinish car wax. Roll in a towel to get the dust off. Off to the races…
Lanolin/alcohol homebrew for me (making sure to give the alcohol time to flash off), size dirty and vibratory tumble for a bit after. One Shot would do as well.

I have media in my flash holes when I'm done, but it's no factor, it's still MATCH WINNING AMMO.

Dillon spray lube for me, one shot works just as well. I like the ease of sprays

I am still using an original bottle of Dillon spray. I put cases in ziplock, spray a few squirts in, massage them around and then size.
No complaints and no idea if it has a neurotoxin.

I just wipe it off after sizing with a paper towel.
That’s what I do now, with a lint free towel, but it always feels like I didn’t get it all off. Still a thin film on the case afterwards, and the towel doesn’t get inside the case.

My OCD hates that.
Been doing it for years. And a little in the case mouth is OK. mtmuley
I'm a recent convert to spray lube (currently one shot, but from what I can tell they're all similar). 7mm-08 on a rock chucker with RCBS dies, FWIW.

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