Waterfowl/upland game combo


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Not Virginia anymore!
There were quite a few folks who replied to Miller's thread a while back, but I don't have the budget that he did, so I'm not sure the advice he got applies to me. Right now I have an 870 and an old Fox. I love the Fox, but it's been in the family for quite a while, so I'm not sure how much I want to take it into the field anymore. I'm starting to save it for special occasions when the weather cooperates. I can't shoot steel through it, so it's not an option for waterfowl. The 870 is OK, but I'm not a huge fan of it. I'd like to hear what the more experienced folks would suggest for less than $800? I'm open to an auto, but I'd like to get another double barrel since I've gotten used to shooting the Fox. However, I'm not sure if I can get a decent db with my budget. I'm definitely not opposed to a used gun, but I've got a couple hundred in points at Cabelas that I'd like to use. Right now I spend about equal time hunting waterfowl and grouse, so it would be nice to have something that would be a good option for both. I could also suck it up and use the 870 for another few years until I get a real job and can afford to spend a little more. Thoughts?
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Have you looked at a Remington 1187? Should be able to get one brand new for less than $700 or so.

I think the only new DB you can buy in that price range would be a Stoeger and they are HEAVY to pack around. The can be used for anything including a canoe paddle but if you are wanting a good DB the Stoeger isn't it.

I recently bought a Winchester SX3 which I really like. Light field loads to 3.5" goose loads.

I also own a Browning Gold which has been super good to me for 12 years now
Have seen ads for a Baikal double, Russian made and look like a nice piece. There are also some Spanish made doubles which look pretty good; don't know brand names or price, but they've been making decent doubles there for some time. I use an O/U for nearly everything except turkeys, but am restocking a nice old L.C. Smith which will take over some of the load when finished. Kinda gives you a warm and fuzzy to use one of the sxs because I know my Grandad used one, my Dad too, and my Great Grandad used a muzzle loader double most of his life. Good enough for them, good enough for me.
I'm a big fan of my 11-87 Premier.Its been my go-to waterfowl gun for many years,shot alot of ducks and geese over decoys with no problems.Mine has a Light Contour barrel,which is a slight up grade but the thinner wall improves the swing,Actually got rid of a few turkey guns and modified an 11-87 Sportsman with the LC barrel which gives me a GREAT auto at a fraction of the cost,...maybe something to consider.
I have an 11-87 super magnum waterfowl edition and absolutely love it. I only shoot ducks with it. I bought it for less than 800 a few years ago with rebates.
never understood the hate for lower price point double guns. I've shot a stoeger o/u for the last 10 years. It doesn't have the fit and finish a higher end gun, admittedly, but it' points well for me, and has been completely reliable, enough so that I purchased a second stoeger, a sxs 20 for upland game. I've shot it the last 3 years and manage to shoot it well too. It may weigh more than some of the other guns, but there's nothing wrong with a little extra weight when I pull the trigger on magnum loads. If I was looking in the 800 dollar range, I'd pay some attention to the cz line, better wood than the EAA line, or the Stoeger line, and the guns I've handled point well and feel good in the hand.
never understood the hate for lower price point double guns.

Go to TSJC gunsmithing school, work in a gun shop. Notice that cheap O/U's have hinge pin problems, small parts are cheaply made, break easily and are overall poorly made. Slowly let the seed of hate for cheap doubles grow.;) That being said it's better to have a gun than to not have a gun. I'm glad they've worked for you Chocdogs, I think that spending a little more now will pay dividends in the future.
There are some great options in the used market for good doubles under 1000, I know that is not sub-800, but there are a few that reach into that category and if you give it a little more I have seen quite a few around 900. The Fort in Big Timber seems to get a good influx of used doubles and price them fairly. I have seen several Browning Citoris and Ruger Red Labels go there for under 900, either of those would make a great choice for a combo gun, personally i think it would be hard to beat either one in a 3in 12 ga. I have also heard good things about the CZ's but admit that I have never shot one, swung a few in the store and they seem to be decently made. There are some good deals out there on great guns, and if you look around enough you will find a gun you will be happy to pass down to your kids someday.
Mike, when you narrow your search ,give Shedhorn Sports in Ennis a visit.They usually have the best prices on firearms.
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