Waterfowl, let’s see them!

Managed a four pack this morning in single digit temps here in NW CO including probably the single best mallard drake of the season. A big mature, beautiful bird in full late season plumage. And scotch doubled on a pair of mergansers to end the morning, which felt good and bad all at the same time.View attachment 352181
Sweet and sour meganser for dinner tonight with a recent goldeneye thrown in for good measure. Quite tasty. My uncle’s recipe originally created for Brandt on the south shore of Long Island.66D84C77-21D2-40E1-925B-C52DB3910879.jpeg
Sweet Ruddy!

Back in the market hunting days, ruddy ducks were highly prized in some areas. I have seen some old price lists from the era that priced them above mallards, canvasbacks etc… in some markets.

Found this online, kind of cool.

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I like the "per dozen options." I'll take 2 doz Curlew and 1/2 doz King Rail.