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We landed a pile of birds this weekend looking for bands or quills, Sunday we called it a season and finished off the last 2 birds out of a flock of 4. No more than 10 mins later , truck and trailer in the field, 4 people picking up decoys, 15-20 birds set up and made two passes and flew over at 30 yards before going elsewhere, sweet quill right in the middle. lol.After the extreme cold and wind let up a bit, new birds definitely moved in with another push. Had a lot of fun shooting a three man of mallards with a bonus pintail and some geese on Saturday and then a three man limit of geese Sunday morning. I had not yet seen a single Quill Lake goose this season and saw three on Sunday. Two in the flock in the photo of geese on the meadow and another that came by when we were picking up decoys after shooting a limit 75 miles away earlier that morning.