Washington Sheep


New member
Dec 17, 2000
Selah, Washington
Two of my cousins drew washington sheep tags and here are a couple pics, im on the left in the first pic.

Dang....those are some nice rams.....thanks for the pics, and congrats all around...
Great rams kirkl thanks for sharing!
Even got the town in the background- bet that gets ol' Oscar green with envy LOL
Is the date off on that camera???
Marvb, yep the dates off, i left the batteries out and it reset, i turned that timestamp off anyways, doesnt look good in the pics.

Owl, well get ya on sheep when you draw, no probs there.

They shot these sheep out of about a group of 14 rams, one was shot at 8:30 and the other about 30 seconds later. It was a great hunt.


We were up on the mountain about 4:30 in the morning as we had put them to bed the night before, We seen about 14 rams from a ridge in the same spot they bedded down so we decided to make a stalk, One cousin and two guys went one way down a ridge to come up on top of them and me and the other cousin went through the bottom of the canyon incase something bigger was down there, so we get to the end were the rams were and kind of heading back up the mountain, we didnt know if kevin was there yet and they didnt know if we were there yet so were walking up the ridge to get to vantage point so we could see the sheep and we kick a ram up 10 yards from us feeding in some bushes, I yelled at cory cause he didnt see it take off so we run after him and get over the edge and see more rams, so were glassing them and walk up a little and see the one we kicked up and checking to see if hes a shooter, about that time BOOM, kevin hits one from the top, we dont know where there at so we take off running and get over a little knoll and 5 rams went running down then stop about 80 yards from us, cory has his gun on his shooting sticks and is asking me which one looks good ( this is a quick decision cause there already spooked) so I say I think the 4th one back so hes looking at it through his scope and I look up the mountain for kevin and BOOM, hes drills the 4th one back. so two sheep down within 100 yards of each other. They rough scored them at 159 and 161.

Plus a good side note, I found 3 4pt deer sheds and a two point deer shed while scouting and hunting these things.

There was also a couple guys from seattle up there hunting, only one had a tag, these guys were absolutely clueless when it came to hunting. They were complaining about not finding any sheep. We saw buttloads. When we were packing out our sheep we went over a ridge and saw the rest of the herd we shot these out of and saw 6 more taking off from a different canyon. There probly still up there looking for sheep. When we were skinning these sheep out two rams came up over the ridge about 350 yards away and watched us.

[ 09-27-2004, 12:16: Message edited by: kirkl ]
Heehee...looked a little dry for Feb. up your way!
Great pics once again- wow 30 secs. apart that is way cool....I'm starting to get the fever lookin' at all these rams this year!
kirkl....thats awesome! I've been waiting to hear your results man! That's cool that they were able to take em' when all you guys were with em'. Congratulations....I'll get in line for when it's my turn.
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