Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever



New member
Jun 21, 2001
Rural Wa. State/ Ellisras South Africa
Warthogs are a sickness with me. I love shooting pigs any species anyplace. But warthogs are especially fun for me. One of my hunters Roger and I had a lot of fun with them this past few weeks in Africa. Lots of great video and several nice trophies. With a little luck we will post this special video clip of calling warthogs to us.

Here are a few photos I took:


This was Rogers warthog. A very exciting event it turned out with some circus act style shooting. The first shot was good and knocked the big hog down, then he spun and jumped running straight away like launched rocket. While on the run Roger sticks one straight up the backside while the pig is running full speed at 100+ yards away. The pig skids and rolls but is back up and still running, now at 150 yards Roger pulls another rabbit out of his hat and hits him at full speed a third time but the hog is now out of sight.

I follow up the trail and Roger is viewing the video I took to see what happend. About the time the video is loaded back to the beginning and I'm looking for blood I see the big old boar lying dead. Two shots right up the A$$ and one through the chest. How this hog ran this way is beyond me. Even with good shooting these buggers can travel in a hurry. With a lesser cartridge or only one shot who knows how long we would have been searching the bush!


IN the closing moments of one evening this warthog came trotting in and Roger wanted more video. I said I would shoot the hog if he wanted to film it. So we made a plan and I ended up with this nice old boar. He left a dust trail we could see as he crashed trhough the brush rolling and skidding for about 100 yards or more.


This was another old bruiser I could not let walk. I spotted him with one of the landowners helpers. We took off on foot looking for him in the tall grass and could see the grass moving but not the pig. We followed like this slowly watching the grass parting 50-70 yards ahead of us for 400-500 yards going down hill. After a little while the grass thinned out Then we saw a pig standing about 75 yards away but only the tips of the ears and the tail were straight up. Hmmmm is it the same one? Off to the left about 25 yards I see tusks and ear tips on another hog, nope this one is the right one! Now with proper focus we wait til he settles down to eat or walk again. He covers about 10 more yards and stops perfectly broadside! however with the bush in the way all I can see is the neck and head on one end and the tail on the other. I decided to take the neck shot freehand at about 75-80 yards. At the shot the pig falls in his tracks! Johanas is now jumping and laughing doing a zulu verzion of a break dance. Spined him and he never took a step. One short tusk but the mass and thickness was impressive. I love hunting warthogs!

Those buggers look and sound like they would be nothing but a blast to hunt... And hard to kill to boot...

Great stories and pics... thanks... :)
just keep em coming--although you're kicking me where it hurts--you're gonna get my blood going again---congrats on some dandy piggies----what caliber did Roger use on his death defying swine---chris
That's some fine shooting on the runner. Those are some mean looking critters. Like csutton I'm anxious to hear the rifles and calibers used.

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