WARNING: Student Load Forgiveness is Very Unlikely to Pay for Your Next Elk Tag

The only way I can see solving the issue is either having the feds get out of student loans altogether

This would also be my preference but when have we ever seen the government pull their nose out of something? If the government is in that game, I’d like to see some pretty stringent caps put on those loans. Like possibly limited directly to school costs (tuition, books, limit living expenses to dorm costs) and those have to be netted against any scholarships received. Hold the schools accountable to that or they’re on the line for excess, no refund checks period

There’s also no reason for the government to be making those loans for multiple degrees. My wife teaches with someone who’s almost 40, multiple masters, and continues to go back because she doesn’t have to start paying as long as she’s enrolled. Way into 6 figures as a public school teacher

I personally knew people who maxed out loans every year and financed a hell of a good time, several people who purchased vehicles, and also parents that abused the hell out of the loans.
95% of the conversation on both sides is just stupid pandering.
Fixed that for ya..
God forbid we ever have a fact based discussion to solve a problem in this country.
I said something today, the country was better when the comedians were on drugs, the country wasn't...now it seems the country is on some kind of drug and the comedians arent very funny

We'll never have that conversation while we pay pay $3,000,000.00 to study if a male fruitfly likes fruit or female flies. Satire before the fun police stop by.

I've rarely seen a conversation where two sides couldn't agree on something. Though we have taken "agree to disagree" to argue why an apple is blue and the earth being a triangle or how some Twitter group is right about a secret coup with trump putin Elon and a frog.

To answer a different question, people took on additional liabilities is what the oped is arguing, not that people defaulted on current obligations.

Ie-a spending problem. Which, oddly enough, is what the government asked the population to do, while it shut down places to go spend.

Boondoggle from the onset.
Here's a thought experiment

Let's say for $10/month, you can do Amazon eco. A separate subscription on top of prime.

What does Amazon eco get you? It'll take your orders, as you make them, and ship them out once a month in the most ecologically friendly way.

Now this may take 2-14 days AFTER the month ends to get to you. BUT you'll save the climate as you're reducing the flavor of the month whatever AND A portion of your $10 goes towards #somethingorother.

How many will sign up for that?

None. Why? Because they don't care about the climate, they care about who their argument hurts or makes pay or gets revenge on, or prevents someone from doing something, whatever.
If you click on the top bar of your web browser, where the website address is located, and type in "what is a strawman argument" I think you'll find it very enjoyable
If you click on the top bar of your web browser, where the website address is located, and type in "what is a strawman argument" I think you'll find it very enjoyable
Let me edit. I'll change eco to edu. On point.
Totally. The only way I can see solving the issue is either having the feds get out of student loans altogether,
We had more private student loan companies and it was kinda a disaster.

Same money faucet, but interest rates were totally insane. Federal government isn’t trying to get share holders to purchase tranches of loans so they don’t have to have the same kinds of rates to mitigate risks.

Private refinancing is still super popular, but those companies are looking at your credit score, income, etc just like a home loan. It’s not an unsecured loan for 6 figures to an 18 year old.
To answer a different question, people took on additional liabilities is what the oped is arguing, not that people defaulted on current obligations.

Ie-a spending problem. Which, oddly enough, is what the government asked the population to do, while it shut down places to go spend.
Definitely, I missed the ball towards the OPED. The actual UChicago study was more geared towards stimulus, forgiveness versus pause and how that effects folks spending patterns.
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