
Walleye Fishing Tips


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2011
Me and my kids are looking at trying to catch some walleye in either Wyoming or Montana this summer and fall. I’m a life-long fisherman and I’m completely a purist. I will purely use whatever works. Would anyone want to share some tips for walleye fishing, using either bottom bouncers, live bait, or spinners/crankbaits? Might consider renting a boat, but have a canoe and kayaks if the waves/wind wasn’t too bad. I have heard that dusk to midnight is prime walleye fishing time and I was curious if people attempted trolling after dark or just anchored off drop-offs/points/sand bars? Looking at fishing at Glendo, Wheatland Reservoir in Wyoming and maybe the Yellowstone River in Montana. I work in those areas so that is my starting place. Any advice is appreciated and I have some info I could provide for trout fishing at Bowman/Kinta Lakes in Glacier if anyone is interested. Thanks Preston
Leeches and night crawlers on jig heads while slow trolling around rocks or sand bars has been very productive for me, never trolled at night though. I spend a lot of time on Glendo but which Wheatland reservoir? Number three is good but haven't fished number two or are you referring to Greyrocks outside of Wheatland? Either way, all of those lakes hold walleye. Glendo is going to be dependent on what time of year you're heading there, high water or low water will determine where on the lake I'll fish. They let a lot of water out of Glendo in late summer. If you're in the area and only have a canoe, head over to Packer or Hawk Springs. Packer being one that you can traverse on a canoe in no time and Hawk springs you can stay along the shore lines with no trouble. Get stocked up with supplies and familiar with the Slow Death set up.
Glendo is one of my favorite walleye lakes, hard to know how many hundreds of walleye I've caught there.

For starters on Glendo:

Main lake points, minnows on a jig head, sometimes leaches and crawlers. Have seen decent crank/stick bait fishing there too.

Early spring, caught these dragging minnows really slow on a jighead over sand:


Caught these in November ripping spoons as hard and fast as you could, no bait:



Ice fishing on Glendo can be pretty decent too:

Pile of catfish a friend and I caught in about an hour, I don't think we had any under 7-8lbs and turned one loose that was over 15lbs:


Last time I fished Glendo through the ice, mixed bag, jigging rapalas and spoons, no bait:

More Glendo fish:


perch on the board, eyes in the sink:


more eyes:


Wheatland 1 is fair fishing for eyes, smallies, catfish and perch at fact, I should probably head over there in the next few weeks.

Last year wheatland 1, secret what the smallies were biting on:


Hattie back in the day...if it took an hour to catch 50 perch you were in the wrong spot:


Boysen through the ice...same, same spoons and jigging rapalas:


Seminoe is a good lake for walleye too...but fishes better in July and August...spring is great trout fishing, if you're into that sort of thing. Snapping maribou jigs is FUN, catch walleye that way too if you can keep the trout off long enough:



That is impressive. I really appreciate the help. And I will report back later on. Sounds like a good time.
JL I was looking at Wheatland 3 and also Grayrocks, basically any within an hour or two from Cheyenne or Wheatland where I’m working this summer. I will not have time to fish again until mid July. Thanks for the help.
JL I was looking at Wheatland 3 and also Grayrocks, basically any within an hour or two from Cheyenne or Wheatland where I’m working this summer. I will not have time to fish again until mid July. I looked up Slow death rigs and I can do that. Hawk Spgs is very close to my job site. Thanks for the help.
Slow death rigs are legit with a leech or worm. Slap that on a bottom bouncer and hit rock beds, sunken roads, or weed lines. Ripping lips!

If fish are still spawning can always pitch plastics into the shallows too. Works great here in ND.
one thing I've been doing is taking a gumball jig head weight depending on depth and wind but usually 3/8-1/2, tying a barrel swivel 12" up from the jig and lip hooking a gulp minnow and cast that to points, reefs etc and snap jig it back. The swivel keeps the line from twisting up..its been pretty effective for me
I finally had time to do some fishing at Grayrocks on Sunday. I went to Sportsman’s Warehouse in Cheyenne and the salesperson told me about a couple spots on Grayrock for shore fishing and recommended a 5/8 oz bottom bouncer, and a floating walleye jig, with double hooks tipped with a night-crawler. I caught a yellow perch, a small walleye, and a smallmouth. Overall a fun day even though the wind was blowing 50 mph and there was a huge fire in the Laramie Peak area. I seen several very large smallmouth jumping a little farther out than I could effectively cast with the wind. I will try again on my next day off. Again I appreciate direction on catching fish. Preston

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