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WA general deer hunt summary

Sounds about like hunting around Entiat as well, a couple years ago I shot one and thought it ran across the slope and somebody else starting shooting at it like crazy, blew a leg out and dirt flying all around it. I was yelling at them to stop shooting, then my friend yelled at me and pointed my deer out dead on the slope about 50 yards from where I shot it. They finally killed it after about 15 shots, and now I'm always paranoid that if it doesn't drop somebody else is going to get it.
Meant to ask if you're daughter has started shooting bigger guns yet? Mine just turned 9, she's good with a .22 but still apprehensive of anything bigger.
We shoot the .410 a bit. But even that makes her a little nervous. We live a bit of acreage, but it's just not configured to allow for any kind of shooting, and there almost no public land really close, so we have not shot as much as we should. I'm struggling with how to introduce her to centerfire rifles, she's just a cautious person, and pretty apprehensive about the boom/kick combo.
We shoot the .410 a bit. But even that makes her a little nervous. We live a bit of acreage, but it's just not configured to allow for any kind of shooting, and there almost no public land really close, so we have not shot as much as we should. I'm struggling with how to introduce her to centerfire rifles, she's just a cautious person, and pretty apprehensive about the boom/kick combo.
Reduced loads. You have a 30-06? I can give you a bunch.
Love the trip and the write up, reminds me of two different times I had misadventures with my dad and got stuck out overnight. Obviously in a time before GPS or cell phones... we just had day packs, both times we just made a fire and figured it out in the morning. Important experiences to have IMHO about not losing your cool in uncomfortable situations. I'm sure this adventure was more memorable and taught her more about life than 3 months of school.
Reduced loads. You have a 30-06? I can give you a bunch.
I do not. I have 30-30, 270, and 300 win. If ammo is ever available again, I plan to try to reduced recoil in both the 30-30 and 270. I've also hear that putting on a muzzle brake really helps. I wouldn't mind paying for my 270 barrel to get threaded, but I've also thought about getting her a smaller 243 or 6.5 with a brake on it.
I've also thought about getting her a smaller 243 or 6.5 with a brake on it.
This is your answer.... I’ve been very impressed with my sister’s little Weatherby Camilla 6.5. Depending on how sensitive she is to the muzzle blast vs recoil, a brake may not be a great idea. A suppressor would be pretty great for her.
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We shoot the .410 a bit. But even that makes her a little nervous. We live a bit of acreage, but it's just not configured to allow for any kind of shooting, and there almost no public land really close, so we have not shot as much as we should. I'm struggling with how to introduce her to centerfire rifles, she's just a cautious person, and pretty apprehensive about the boom/kick combo.
We have a decent place to shoot but other than a .30-30 and a 20 gauge I don't have much on the lighter recoil side, guess I need to make an investment sometime soon. That's great your daughter is ready to give it try, my daughter is interested but still a little scared. I asked her if she is going to kill a bull bigger than mine for her first elk and she said no she just wants to shoot a doe first.
Great Job! As a fellow WA resident, sure isn't easy out here. Glad you were safe in the pumpkin patch and walking home.

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