Vortex Razor UHD 18-56 binos or Sig zulu6 HDX 16-42s


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2021
Looking to get a new binos for next season and am torn between these two. My primary set I’m using now is UHDs 10-42s and just want another set with a little more power. What are the pros and cons of each?
Yeah that’s what I’m considering: traditional UHD 18s or sig Zulu 6 16 hdx
I got the 18s in uhd they are nice I enjoy not packing my monster spotter
From the pics I've seen the sigs have horrible edge clarity and you will only be effectively glassing in the center 2/3rds of the lens. With the UHD's you will have a better image but they will need to be on a tripod. I've had several range finders from multiple companies die over the years and they pretty much just offer you a discount on their latest and greatest stuff. Maybe the Sig will last forever but very unlikely and who knows if they will send you their latest greatest bino when the electronics fail or fix the old ones or just offer you a big discount on their newest item. I've dealt with a couple companies that had lifetime warranties and I've sent in a old pair of top of the line binos that had been discontinued for years and they sent me a new low end pair of binos to replace them saying they were higher quality than their old premium binos.
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i went from 8x42 razor h d,s $1200 back in the day to the sigs 12x42 i s zulu 6 just last fall ,,,sigs are my go to now,,regular binos are gonna be back up only,even though the sigs i s are cheaper the i s is night and day game changer of a difference i m o.//i do not have the new "pro" version that i heard has issues.
i went from 8x42 razor h d,s $1200 back in the day to the sigs 12x42 i s zulu 6 just last fall ,,,sigs are my go to now,,regular binos are gonna be back up only,even though the sigs i s are cheaper the i s is night and day game changer of a difference i m o.//i do not have the new "pro" version that i heard has issue
Interesting, so even though the glass in the SIG Zulu6s is of lower Quality compared to the UHDs you felt that the image stabilization makes up for it? good to know. Yeah i hear bad things about the Pro versions plus they are large.
Do you have the 12s or 16s? Some how they have the same FOV… odd. I’m leaning to the 16s
i have the 12x42 as i researched that they were better in low light than the 16,s,,,and they are pretty decent at those low light dawn and dusk times,,there are just 5 to 10 minutes each way that they are marginally not quite as good as the razors,,but then the image stabilizing after that makes up the difference//no tripod needed,,{even in the wyoming wind}!!and you know that can be pretty bad at times.can glass up deer at 650 yrds free hand with ease vs having to use a tri pod with the regular binos,im very impressed by them,,thought nothing could beat my razors before i tried the image satbilizing bino,s.my razors are good,but the i s tech is impressive.

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