Caribou Gear

Vortex Diamondback vs Leupold Freedom


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2019
West TN
Hey guys -

My dad managed to bust his scope coming out of the stand yesterday morning (luckily last weekend of season). We went to a couple of local shops and they seemed to really be pushing the diamondbacks over the base model Leupold in his price range. Just wanted to see if anyone has experience with these? I have always tried to stay out of the cheapest glass but I can’t persuade him to up the budget. (~$200 max) Busted scope came mounted on the rifle 20+ years ago, so I guess I can’t argue too much.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
If that is the price range for him, both will work just fine. It's just a matter of looking at the glass, difference in reticle and other compared preference. Either one will do the job. You will get all kinds of stories about why you should spend 800 or more on a scope for many reasons of which "most are true" but in the end I have never seen an animal care about what scope was mounted on the rifle when the bullet dropped em. At a point you get what you pay for but there is a fine line between going big just to say you have the best and just getting the job done. I have owned VX1's, 3's and have spent the time behind a 5. I can shoot the VX1 just as well as the 5. Yes the 5 is much better in the clarity, light gathering and quality of glass. I personally think the VX3 is probably the most practical price and quality 90% of us hunters need for the price. My .02. I don't own any Vortex rifle scopes but do have binoculars (diamondbacks). Good, nothing special but they get the job done which is what counts and at a price point/warranty that doesn't kill the wallet leaving more money for tags and trips.
I have both a vx2 and Diamond Back rifle scopes. At the end of the day I can't tell much difference, but the Leopold is slightly better glass, but the fine duplex reticle on it leaves a lot to be desired for me. It's my go to gun and rifle, but that's my biggest complaint is the plain ole reticle(I know you can get different ones from Leopold, but the price goes up a lot for something that seems like it shouldn't cost anything extra to manufacture...)

Either one will probably suit your dad fine, and likely will be a big step up from his old scope!
I would have to ask what kind of hunting dose he do most. I have a 6.5 manbun I hunt with in WV and MS and there is no real long shots. So ether one would work great for that. But if the is a lot of elk and mule deer involved that he may want to spend a little more money.
But the guys on here that hunt out west a lot know far and away more than me about that
I don't own either, but I've looked through them several times at Bass Pro. In the low end price range I feel that vortex is clearer and had better eye relief than the leupold.
Just to add to my previous post.
I do have 2 of the Vortex Crossfire II scopes.
Dollar to dollar, they are the better option than the Diamondback.
For the extra $100+ there is no advantage to getting the regular Diamondback.
And actually i have sold off (at a loss) both the 4-12X40 and the Tactical.
I won't be getting another!

I've heard/seen the difference in the Diamondback HD. Good glass there!
But at the price, get a Viper series.
He has
I would have to ask what kind of hunting dose he do most. I have a 6.5 manbun I hunt with in WV and MS and there is no real long shots. So ether one would work great for that. But if the is a lot of elk and mule deer involved that he may want to spend a little more money.
But the guys on here that hunt out west a lot know far and away more than me about that
I should’ve thought to include that information, we only hunt whitetails in TN. Mainly brush, rarely a shot over 100 yards and never over 200. It’s going on a Remington 7400 in 270.
Im sure either would be fine but if it were me, I'd go with the Leupold. Fwiw, there are some of VX2's on ebay in that price range too.
I own a Diamondback 3.5x10 50mm and a Leupold Rifleman 3x9 50mm ( the Rifleman is in the same price range as the Freedom which leads me to believe they're the same quality glass). Between those two I've got to give it to the Diamondback as someone else said slightly better clarity and eye relief. But the differences are negligible either will work great for what you have in mind. I've also heard from several people that Vortex's Crossfire line is just as good if not better than the Diamondback models for a lower price. Haven't personally checked the Crossfire out but worth looking into.
I own a Diamondback 3.5x10 50mm and a Leupold Rifleman 3x9 50mm ( the Rifleman is in the same price range as the Freedom which leads me to believe they're the same quality glass). Between those two I've got to give it to the Diamondback as someone else said slightly better clarity and eye relief. But the differences are negligible either will work great for what you have in mind. I've also heard from several people that Vortex's Crossfire line is just as good if not better than the Diamondback models for a lower price. Haven't personally checked the Crossfire out but worth looking into.

The one Crossfire scope I had was a drastically worse scope optically speaking than a Diamondback. The VX-Freedom has better glass and coatings than a Rifleman as well, though I haven't been able to put a Freedom and Diamondback side by side I'd guess the differences are negligible.
I don't have a Freedom but I have a couple of the VX-1's in 3-9x40 and they work great. One is on my 338 Win. Mag. and it's held up just fine, with a couple hundred rounds fired. So I have no problem recommending the Freedom, as it's the replacement for the discontinued VX-1 and VX-2.
In that price range I would look for a used fixed power. Japanese made Weaver K-6 or K-4. Leupold M8, FX-II or FX-III. Especially if a lot of hunting is done in a stand.

Why would a shop push one scope over another if they are about the same price? MARGIN. Sure, there are other possible reasons. Personally, I will never buy made in China if I can get Made in USA for the same price unless the quality difference is dramatically apparent.
Leupold every time. The only reason I would ever recommend Vortex would be to stay in a price range. If you can afford a Leupold, get one. It's that simple. I love my VX-1 3-9x40 on my 45-70 lever action. Super clear and has always held zero. What more do you need?
I am not sure of the quality of the leupold compared to the vortex. Seems like they are negligible at best? Biggest difference especially with the reason for your dad being in the market is the warranty. If you had a vortex you could send in that busted scope and they would fix or replace for free, even if it’s your fault.. funny no one mentions that on this forum
I am not sure of the quality of the leupold compared to the vortex. Seems like they are negligible at best? Biggest difference especially with the reason for your dad being in the market is the warranty. If you had a vortex you could send in that busted scope and they would fix or replace for free, even if it’s your fault.. funny no one mentions that on this forum

It's mentioned with predictable regularity....
I am not sure of the quality of the leupold compared to the vortex. Seems like they are negligible at best? Biggest difference especially with the reason for your dad being in the market is the warranty. If you had a vortex you could send in that busted scope and they would fix or replace for free, even if it’s your fault.. funny no one mentions that on this forum
That warranty was part of the sales pitch from the shops too, I have read good reviews here about experiences with it.
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