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Virginia Public Land Bucks

im glad you and your dad got to share a special moment like that in the woods together, thats what hunting is all about. congrats to you guys
Wow man that’s a fantastic story what an incredible outcome; perfect world indeed!!!!

Kudos not only on the awesome mountain bucks but also on yer dad’s choice of cartridge; I’m a huge fan and adding to it the fact he has such a rich history with that rifle is just unbelievable.

Too cool man congratulations again and thanks for sharing!!!
Congrats to you and your Dad on your success! I have fond memories of my years of hunting those ridges.
Super deer , just icing on the cake for a great hunt it looks to me.
That's awesome to see! Congrats to you and your Dad, great memories
So I walk into Heartland bow shop today, while I am back visiting my folks in Virginia. Turns out he has your picture up on his bulletin board. I thought it looked familiar. :) Turns out it's a small world after all! Glad to see some guys are still killing nice bucks on the ridges I grew up hunting! Congrats again!
Awesome story and awesome deer!!

Same thing about population density and dynamics here in WNC. Luckily we had some disturbances happen, so we are seeing some improvement on a portion of NF here.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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