Veterans Day!

God bless the USA and all Veterans, home safely or deployed around the globe protecting our many freedoms and blessings.
Gallatin Valley is hosting a multitude of events honoring Veterans, as this morning in the little K-8th grade school at Gallatin Gateway, where the kiddos recited, sang, saluted, and handed out poppies honoring Veterans in this small, but very patriotic community. Yesterday the Meadowlark Elementary school in Bozeman held the Veterans assembly, where the entire crowd skyped with a military group from Bozeman who are serving in Kuwait.

Straight Arrow on the ramp in QuiNhon, South Vietnam.
DS and Big Kahuna 590.jpg

Straight Arrow later in more debonair stateside days on the ramp at Casper, WY, on a trip to Corpus Christi Army Depot for OH-58 Jet Ranger maintenance.
OH-58 Jet Ranger on Casper ramp.jpg
God bless the USA and all Veterans, home safely or deployed around the globe protecting our many freedoms and blessings.
Gallatin Valley is hosting a multitude of events honoring Veterans, as this morning in the little K-8th grade school at Gallatin Gateway, where the kiddos recited, sang, saluted, and handed out poppies honoring Veterans in this small, but very patriotic community. Yesterday the Meadowlark Elementary school in Bozeman held the Veterans assembly, where the entire crowd skyped with a military group from Bozeman who are serving in Kuwait.

Straight Arrow on the ramp in QuiNhon, South Vietnam.
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Straight Arrow later in more debonair stateside days on the ramp at Casper, WY, on a trip to Corpus Christi Army Depot for OH-58 Jet Ranger maintenance.
View attachment 301048
Welcome home
Thank you everyone for your service! I try to instill in my children how dam lucky we are to be able to do the things we do and it’s because of you.

I am a day early, our offices are closed today for observance of Veterans Day tomorrow but if anyone deserves two days of honor it’s you.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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