Veterans Day

A big Thank you to all the veterans.
My thoughs and prayers go out to all of you and your familys for everything you have and are doing for this country.
I thank god we have such strong men and women willing to go that extra mile to help keep us safe.
Having never served I can only give my thanks, prayers, and support to those who have and currently do keep my lifestyle, family, and country the way it is today!

Thanks guys & gals and here's to a safe Vetran's Day to you and yours!
I am grateful, and sometimes surprised, that we still have young people with the character, courage and patriotism to serve. I recently bought a couple of beers for a Force Recon Marine, who had just gotten out of the service and who had visited Iraq and other places he would not name, but that were, in his words, "hot and dusty."
I was proud to serve under President Ronald Reagan in the USAF, but I'm even more proud or our fine Men and Women in the Service today! God bless all of you. May you never be forgotten.
I would like to say THANK YOU to all that have served and are still serving. It may have been a little shity at times, but it was a job that I felt I needed to do also.

Hope all that are deployed in the gulf return safely !

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