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Very first hunt, Gila, Elk 16B, 22, deer 21, 1-14 sep


New member
Jun 18, 2019
Hey all, very first hunt as an adult and I got lucky. Drew NM GMU’s 16B and 22 for Elk and 21 for deer. I hunted as a kid (probably 20 years ago) but I just followed my dad around. This year my buddy and me drew same tags and same times. I’m going to the Gila this weekend and again in Aug for scouting. Any tips or anyone in the local area that wouldn’t mind dropping some knowledge on me would be greatly appreciated. I plan to backpack into wherever I go and can take 14 days of leave for the season. I have ON X and google earth for E-scouting but nothing beats boots in the ground. I’m so pumped for this hunt I’m hoping for a shot!
16B is all Wilderness with no road access. I would recommend hiring a packer to get you in a few miles and more importantly your elk out. Fun unit, congrats on the draw.
I have only been here for a couple of years so I am stiil trying to figure things out myself. This year is my first season with a tag. Not in 16 though. The game commission opened up a new unit to elk hunting and I have one of the 10 tags. No game carts allowed in the wilderness so it is on your back. I have not been able to find just a packer. The outfitters want you to purchase the whole enchilada and they pool their resources to bilk as much $ from the non-residents as they can get away with. The good news is that you may not have to go out as far as you may think. The outters have their usual campsites staked out and they try to stay away from diy'ers. Some boots on the ground scouting will tell you what areas the outters are using. Then figure out where the elk will be when the outfits show up. Been my experience that game animals tend to circle around behind the pressure given the habitat.

I have a friend nearby that will help me get the elk out should I be so fortunate. The larger bases usually have a sportsmans club....trap, target and archery ranges. Ask around their haunts. Also, local taxidermists might know people who go out and cape, pack out. In addition, check the game fish website for the open gates program. There are a few, not many, land owners in that area, who grant tresspass to elk hunters for access to the public land in the Gila. Good luck!
@Jeronimo 56 the original poster hasn’t been on HuntTalk since July 2019. You can check on recent activity by clicking on the members name and you can see such info.
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