Vegas aliens

I'm not onn the Vagas bandwagon with it, but if anyone thinks there's no one else out there. They're high, with trillions of stars and billions of planets across the universe. There's no doubt someone or something else is out there.

I agree 100%. To think there is no other life form out there somewhere is nuts. Our planet and solar system is just a tiny spec even in our own Milky Way galaxy.
I think the odds of another life form finding us here are astronomical.
I also don't think we should be sending out signals telling whoever might be out there "here we are". :alien:
I think the odds of another life form finding us here are astronomically small...
That's my thought. Even if they're are other life forms, why would they be looking for others? And why at our planet? What are the odds that they've developed the technology necessary to travel to other planets so far away? Isn't it equally as likely that they are more rudimentary than us rather than less rudimentary? How come they always seem to be able to survive our atmosphere when we know we likely couldn't survive unprotected on any other planet that we know about? If they visited One Planet per month starting with those closest to them, how long would it take them to get to ours? Etc, etc etc.

As a Christian I'm inclined to belive that we're it, nothing else out there. But overall I'm agnostic about aliens. Wake me up when we have hard evidence they exist and want to chat lol.
How to survive on other worlds is as answerable as how to travel. I suggest aliens all look similar because they all share the same open source code for programming the 3-D bio printers used to print new bodies whenever they arrive anywhere.
That's my thought. Even if they're are other life forms, why would they be looking for others? And why at our planet? What are the odds that they've developed the technology necessary to travel to other planets so far away? Isn't it equally as likely that they are more rudimentary than us rather than less rudimentary? How come they always seem to be able to survive our atmosphere when we know we likely couldn't survive unprotected on any other planet that we know about? If they visited One Planet per month starting with those closest to them, how long would it take them to get to ours? Etc, etc etc.

As a Christian I'm inclined to belive that we're it, nothing else out there. But overall I'm agnostic about aliens. Wake me up when we have hard evidence they exist and want to chat lol.
I mean we are searching for life and if you believe in any sort of basic evolution (not even in the sense that humans come from apes but just how civilizations progress/evolve over time) it only makes sense that another civilization would do the same, IMO. Once technology gets advanced enough then that search actually gains traction 🤷🏼‍♂️. Also don’t think they would have to visit every planet, I mean we have rovers so they could send out a bunch of unmanned (unalienated?) craft to determine what planets are worth visiting 🤷🏼‍♂️.
Is there life out there somewhere? I tend to think there is. There are too many planets out there for there not to be. The problem is that the universe is just too big to travel through. It’s 93 billion light years across. Unless there’s a way to travel faster than light, space travelers could never get here. It could take a thousand lifetimes, maybe more.
Not sure FTL travel is possible. That's why I favor the upload/download, print a temporary body scheme. No need for clothes if it's made well enough.

Kinda interesting the obviously fake video is being promoted and refuted more than the one from the family. Of course, the one from the family doesn't show anything more than shadows.
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