Vacuum Seal

Old habits are tough to break and I spent enough time in SE AK to always vacuum pack a change of base layers and socks. Also a basic fire-starting kit and some tp. That stuff is more valuable than gold in the right situations....
Just game bags, first aid sterile items, and fire starting kit.
My work generates a ton of good used ziplock bags. A little Youtube research and I've started using them for a lot of vac sealing.
Ziplocks are lighter than FoodSaver roll material, and they cost me nothing.
I guided hunts in SE Alaska ... years ago we started vac-sealing just about everything. Cuts down on size and keeps it dry till you open it up. The empty bags are nothing to pack out .... I like putting my clothes up in small portions ... like a set of long johns; one t shirt,underwear & socks; maybe two pair of socks; pair of pants; etc .... extra bic-lighters, extra aa or aaa batteries .... just about everything. So when you set up backpck camp you can unload into your tent and everying is neat organized and stays dry. All foods / drink mixes that arn't already sealed ... even vac-seal extra garbage bags & baggies.