UTV Aftermarket


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2021
Just ordered a Polaris 570 utv. Base unit was ordered but held off with windows and accessories. Anyone have experience with quality aftermarket items for the ranger. Figured I have plenty of time to look into or order from dealer.
Figure Ill be adding glass front, poly top & poly back.
Not sure on heat.
Cat help you, cab is too rich for my blood. All I know is dont go with the canvas zip style cab. Guy at the dealership told me if I ordered one take it somewhere else to have it put on.
I bought a 570 mid size last year. Put on glass front windshield and polycarbonate back window and a poly top and soft side doors. Also heat. Cab doors come off real easy. The heater??? Well its not much of a heater. However I need to plug of some places in the cab that let huge amounts of outside air thru. That should help. All my add on's were from the dealer. Added power steering also--very nice. Some were Polaris stuff some not.
I have experience with the full size 570 windshield, roof, and back panel. All Polaris brand. Installed myself with quite a few new words invented. Especially the back panel.
I bought a 570 mid size last year. Put on glass front windshield and polycarbonate back window and a poly top and soft side doors. Also heat. Cab doors come off real easy. The heater??? Well its not much of a heater. However I need to plug of some places in the cab that let huge amounts of outside air thru. That should help. All my add on's were from the dealer. Added power steering also--very nice. Some were Polaris stuff some not.
Thanks, I figure mot of the time will be dressed for the temps, just hoping to keep the window defrosted
Installed the half poly with the lip flip on the front of the Can Am Defender...mesh on the back. The mesh lets air circulate yet keeps the dust down. Costs more but brand specific parts simply work better for me..ie buy/cry principle. No doors, no heat...use it mostly for deer grounds work in hot weather.
no. It does have the upper corners cut off so there is some airflow. But I don’t think that is vented...?

the back panel does not fit well. It laps over some bolt heads so I dremeled it out and you have to drill new holes as some of the existing ones are perfectly in line with a brace.
Finally, ranger has arrived. Will work on putting some hours on it before our trip in November.
Before you start yelling at me for bringing a utv out, a little history.
Hunting unit 71, not positive how accurate onx is with trails that are accessible/permissible, but planning on trailering it in and then utving over rougher roads to get in further.
Tried like h--l to get my wife on a horse, won't work. I realize we cannot use the same trails.
Will my plan work?
If nothing else I now have a utv for work.
Caribou Gear

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