Nameless Range
Well-known member
serious question for all you guys with SxS's
would you be able to enjoy your hunting and your outdoors activities the same without one? or is it an integral and necessary component of your hobbies?
i feel like i'm surprised how many of you have them. i basically know zero people personally who hunt that have OHVs except for some ranchers i know.
i just can't in a million years ever seeing myself thinking they're worth the money, my hypothetical presidential/dictatorship candidacy also promises to shut down forest service roads and OHV use if i win.
i could see myself with one if end up with a big ol property. i feel like more people actually have SxS's east of the mississippi than west too...
i dunno
It's integral to my access options. When things are sketchy, I'd rather be in a S x S than the truck I use to ferry kids around, pull the camper, etc. I suppose for the price of a lot of new UTVs, a guy could buy a damn capable jeep.
I live adjacent to the most heavily roaded chunk of the B-D NF. It's mining country, and the roads were not designed with logging trucks in mind. Just to get to the wilder stuff that I want to hike, I have to drive up bad roads if I am hunting in the area. It's just more capable, and sacrificial, than a larger vehicle. Without it, I wouldn't really be able to access tens of thousands of acres unless that meant walking many miles up open roads while guys in Razrs drive by with their beers and koozies. Also, I plow my driveway with it. This weekend I'll be up in Lincoln for the Blackfoot Valley Optimists Club Scavenger Hunt.
When used properly, a UTV just opens up a lot of opportunity for fun.