Yeti GOBOX Collection

Utah LE Early Rifle Bull Hunt

Really awesome bull! Good work!

Inhaled Copenhagen a time or 3, I can sympathize with the weird sounds. 🤣
great writeup and bull. Congrats @2rocky !
Any idea what that bull scores? He looks great.

Missed this story earlier I guess because I was hunting.

Expecting to draw LE Utah elk tag this year.
Just looked up my age Data and my bull came back as 9 years old. According to NMSU the peak antler size for elk is between 8-10. I'm tickled that I was able to get this guy at his peak.

What is not often appreciated is just how old bulls and bucks must be to maximize antler development. Elk tend to peak antler development at age 8 to 10, about 2 to 3 years after they peak body mass (Figure 2). Mule deer will peak antler mass at age 5 to 7, again 2 to 3 years after peaking body mass. All will begin to lose antler configuration after the peak ages, although mass may remain high. The exception to this is pronghorn, which often peak prong development as early as age 3.

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Do you have any measurements you care to share? Not doubting you but trying to improve my elk judging abilities over iPhone which I am finding is extremely difficult.
We did the Tailgate measure on the day I killed and I told myself I wasn't going to get all official on it. Even if he was 50 inches less he would have been my biggest bull.

When I get the mount back I'll go a head and measure the SOB just to quantify it. Wouldn't be surprised or butthurt if he nets 340. But I am pretty amazed at his symmetry and mass.

Truth be told the scouting day we saw him I said he was a 340 bull. When I saw him in rifle range there was no doubt i wanted to kill that bull. And really that was what ultimately mattered.

I think the Jay Scott approach is pretty good for in the field judging.

I measure for P&Y and I've done maybe a dozen and a half bull elk from 250-330.
Somebody is coming home. He Measures 47 1/4" to the tip of his nose from the "wall". Mounted I need a 40" wide space for him to fit.

Taxidermist usesed a Left turn Semi sneak from Research mannikins with a 32" neck, plus clay to fill. Form code was LEG-555

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Boy your taxidermist busted him out in a hurry. Talked to mine the other day and he said expect a couple months before he even gets the cape back from the tannery.

Post up a pic when you get him on your wall if you would. Beautiful bull.
Beautiful bull and well told story. Thanks for sharing the adventure! Congratulations!
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