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Utah land grab proposals

I think I need to give the dude at Black Diamond Equipment some free advertising on this site. He is calling out the spades as he sees them. I kind of like a guy such as that.

Unfortunately, the same ideas always get bantered around in Helena when we have our bi-annual convention of the "Self-appointed experts of nothing worth discussing." Some call it a legislative session. Those of sanity, or those not employed in the world of drama pawned off as news, call it a circus act. Filled with all kinds of tricks, costume changes behind the scenes, some sword swallowers and back stabbers make appearances, artists in the act of deception and other slights of hand and tounge abound, and I am sure if you look hard enough, you could find other stunts commonly found in a circus.

Yet, occassionally, some sane people attend the convention to actually represent their constituents. They are not the majority, for sure.

The show usually starts as just one ring acts, but by the end of their convention, all three rings are abuzz with deal making, paying off political favors with public resources, and ticket criers walk around with lobbyist badges offering you the deals you cannot afford to miss.

Really, if a time machine could bring someone forward from the heyday of Barnum and Bailey, I am afraid he may think P.T, and his band of hooligans took up temporary residency in Helena for three months in the odd years following elections.

That convention serves as living proof to P.T.'s statement, "There's a sucker born every minute."

Appears that the circus is now stranded in Utah. My condolences to those in the Beehive state.
It is also supported by the Utah Association of Counties, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, off-road vehicle groups, Utah Farm Bureau and Utah Eagle Forum.

Ah yes, and SFW is again, on the opposite side of true sportsman.
"That’s just an absolutely ridiculous, egregious and stupid"

Well, it is SFW.

I wonder how they can stand there straight faced and talk about wildlife habitat and improving access for hunters when they are agreeing to eliminate the basic protections afforded to those public lands. How will expedited oil and gas development impact mule deer habitat? We've seen that sloppy permitting has reduced the Wyoming Range mule deer herd by 60%. Eliminating what few protections are left seems like a great way to further reduce hunter opportunity.

Legislative attorneys have warned that there is a "high probability" that the attempts to force federal action are illegal, since the U.S. Constitution explicitly grants Congress the authority to own property and enact laws regarding that property.

Boom. But I suppose it fits right in with SFW's actions, and their puppets in Rob Bishop and others who continue to lie about the values of public lands.
I wonder if the "hundreds of millions or perhaps billions of dollars to fund public education" will be spent in the same manner as the California lotto money that was designated for the same purpose. We already have hundreds of millions to fund public education. Problem is our elected officials diverted it for other purposes. You know if SFW is in support of it, it's a bad idea for the average Joe.
Is this kind of like either Vermont or New Hampshire voting every year on whether to stay a part of the Union? :rolleyes:

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