Utah, git'er done


New member
Dec 23, 2000
Utah applications are due January 31, 2005, and can be done "on-line"
Results should be available by the end of April.
Utah uses a modified bonus point system, where 1/2 the tags go to thoses with the most points, and the others are drawn from a random pool. Thoses in the pool are given a number for each "point" and your lowest number is used.
Everyones first choice is considered before anyones second choice, so don't hold your breath on that second or third choice.
Utah has;
Mt. Goat
Bighorn Sheep (both Rocky & Desert)
Maby someone from Utah could give more details.
A-Con, sounds like you know your stuff!
One thing I can add is that there is usually 1 non-resident permit for each 10 resident permits given on each unit and each hunt. Elk now has an archery, any weapon, and a muzzleloader hunt on LE units. I think the split is 60% rifle, 25% archery, and 15% muzzleloader. I also believe the 2nd and 3rd choices are basically just a waste of the paper it is written on. No hunting unit that is worth a dang ever gets undersubscribed.
If you put in for a Deer unit one yearand Don't draw, do you get that point and if you put in for another unit the next is that a seperate point for that unit or do they keep accumilating ?

JAn 31st is coming up, Thanx for the Info guys !!
The points are species specific. Your points accumulate and you can jump around to different units whenever you want...

So... Something I jsut found out.. Unlike any other state, I can't put in for Elk and Deer the same year ?!?! I couldn't bang more then one branched antler brown animal in a year even if I was luck to draw ?

Goat tag (Check)
General deer (Check)
Limited Elk (Check)

10-4............ Moving on to the next state .
That's correct. You can only apply for one limited entry species (deer, elk, pronghorn) and one once in a lifetime species (sheep, goats, bison, moose). You can also just apply for points for $5. You can shoot deer and elk in the same year, but only with a general tags. For instance you can apply for limited entry elk and general season deer tags. Many of the general season deer tag units sell out through the draw; especially those in the southern part of the state. The northeast (sometimes) and north units (always) have tags left over for purchase. All general elk tags are sold over the counter, usually starting in mid-July until they are sold out. Archery deer tags are OTC or you can apply for them. If you hunt the extended area units you have to take an online ethics test. The extended area archery hunts run from Aug to Dec, with parts of the seasons being bucks only, does only, or hunter's choice. Give me a ring if you have any questions...
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