So my little envelope put into mail 2/21 is now in another distribution ctr just few miles from where it was couple days ago. So why does it go to another distribution ctr to another 30 miles away? Our PO mail actually comes from the other distribution center. This is nuts. First Indy was an absolute cluster, it went in and out there couple times. I wonder if a bar code is damaged? I could drive to Phoenix and back with sight seeing and still be faster. Just frustrating how poorly USPS operates.
When you have employees that know that they cannot be fired for non performance this is what you get. This isn't something new. This is how the USPS works. They do the bare minimum to collect their guaranteed wages. That's the way it is that's the way it will be until someone steps in and fires the deadbeats.
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I got a call from USPS customer service this morning. The very nice young lady agreed with me that my package is stuck at the Oakland CA distribution center. She also said that there's nothing they can do. I will just have to wait until it doesn't get delivered for 2 weeks after it has gone missing to file a claim. I said it's not missing, that it's in Oakland. She agreed that it's not technically missing so she can't even run a trace on it because they know where it is. I asked her what the point of her call was for? She said it was a response from calling customer service.
I got a call from USPS customer service this morning. The very nice young lady agreed with me that my package is stuck at the Oakland CA distribution center. She also said that there's nothing they can do. I will just have to wait until it doesn't get delivered for 2 weeks after it has gone missing to file a claim. I said it's not missing, that it's in Oakland. She agreed that it's not technically missing so she can't even run a trace on it because they know where it is. I asked her what the point of her call was for? She said it was a response from calling customer service.
I'm never sitting next to you at the Roulette table
I'm curious, was he a postal employee or a private contract delivery driver?
Postal employee. He drive an LLV for one PO and got tired of management there so he went to another PO and was a rural carrier. He actually delivered to his own house and some times was able to stop and grab a bite to eat at home.
X2! Never matches plus the local USPS PO does not have the ability to see USPS Informed Delivery to either see what is in process or even track it. Seriously, WTH is the point of Informed Delivery? It's worthless.

I have a very small envelope coming from Brunos (bushings) in Phoenix that was mailed 2/21. It got to Indy on 2/25, was shipped to next destination which is recorded back to Indy on 2/27. Shipped with delivery on 3/1. Uh no. It is now back in Indy on the way to Grand Rapids which is a black hole for my packages. Still says delivery today 3/1. Yeah, wet dreams.
Indy is a black hole for a lot of packages right now.
Off-topic - but you're lucky you were in terminal E. DFW doesn't have Clear at all in terminals A-D, and particularly out of D, the PreCheck line can get pretty massive.

Although, Clear in DEN has been slower than normal TSA Pre for 6 months. I fly every week and I've timed it each time. Not once since Thanksgiving would CLEAR have beaten regular Precheck.

I've noticed this as well, I flew 3x last year, Clear was slower than the regular line twice, and not even open yet the other time.

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