USO hits Nevada????


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
got this from another board, anyone know if its true or not?

I just read a post on another board from a Nevada resident who attended a g&f meeting last night and found out that USO is also filing suit in that state. I would suggest that if you know hunters in other western states, it would be a good idea to get them on the emails to sponsors bandwagon now. After all the USO show is coming to a theater near you soon. We need to end up with USO having no sponsors period.
I love this line
After all the USO show is coming to a theater near you soon.
It sounds to me like all the states need to do is make it illegal to sell antlers or any other big game animal parts and the lawsuits would be thrown right out of the courtroom. Maybe Nevada will be smarter than Arizona.
I'm not sure if I can find the words to adequately describe my feelings about this but I'll try ;
Tonight and every night hereafter I will pray to God that Ms. Taulman and the McMillan's will be diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and die slow and painful deaths .
Isnt compromise a beautiful thing?

Then the average SI poster wonders why a few of us like Ithaca, Gunner, etc. arent willing to compromise with outfitters, landowners, and politicians when it comes to our wildlife and wildlife habitat? :rolleyes:

We've compromised ourselves right down the road, time to WAKE UP!
Buzz, Good point. We get criticized for being at the extreme end on these issues all the time. Who's going to be on the opposite extreme from USO to balance them out?

Remember, MD, Ten Bears and all your buddies; all USO is trying to do is create jobs for outta work guides. :D
I still don't understand why the states can't simply make a law against selling any wildlife parts, such as antlers. :confused:

Why does anybody need to sell antlers anyway? Hunting is not supposed to be for profit.

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